Alright, Alliance; It's Time to Vote with Your Wallets

That’s not Alliance specific bud

There are alliance dominant servers. Please stop posting.

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What? It’s fun. Also all BG’s have reputation vendors.

Alliance on Skeram, and I assume Stalagg and a number of other servers, are not eligible to transfer. The second time blizzard opened up transfers and immediately saw all the alliance bailing off those servers they shut it down asap and it hasn’t opened up since. Blizzard deserves the blame for their horrendously underprepared, amateurish launch followed by the initial transfers which turned moderately imbalanced servers into totally one sided deathtraps.


looks like that is about over with. Do us on the Alliance a favor if you are wanting to transfer and/or quit. Please do it.

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I consider you posting on a level 22 alt to be an indication of a horde main on a different server. Cut the bs.

nope, I honestly have a 60. I recently about 2 weeks ago got harrassed because someone didn’t like what I had to say the forums and they got reported and immediately banned for it or they quit because it stopped and have not seen the person online in weeks. So this is why I choose to post on an alt that I’m leveling atm.

So false. Go play on Bigglesworth. The Alliance there own the world, Horde lose in every zone.

Can always twink at 48/49 Who cares about raiding when Retail is here

Why? Because the game isn’t perfect? Or because you can’t handle world PVP?

Server imbalances do not cause ganking. Horde strategy (get in a big group, then go hang out where Alliance players go) causes ganking. Horde can do that with 300 Horde. They don’t need a majority on your server to gank you. They just need you acting like you are on a PVE server, and not doing the same.

That’s why millions of players handled the identical problem in Vanilla without complaining. They did it for years.

But not you. You demand that Blizzard do the impossible, and somehow turn WPVP into not-WPVP just for you. According to you, Blizzard can do magic. Since they don’t, they are BAD.

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What? Im having a blast in WPvP and I even play solo or in 2 man’s. You are insane I love this madness.

IDK I rolled Faerlina with my guild and apparently that’s where all the streamers chose also. It feels pretty even handed. Play a better server.

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I was in Felwood last night and a 60 rogue tried ganking a 52 hunter. I decided to respect the 1v1 and watch it unfold and watched this hunter just completely rinse him. Rogue pms me in anger with “WTF HELP AND QUIT WATCHING?!” and I was like “Dude I was too busy laughing at watching this 52 completely rinse you.”

I proceeded to MC cap him, bandage him up then apologize because he had no cds so he was guaranteed dead to me but I was impressed he completely outplayed a rogue who was in MC gear.

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Oh don’t you worry!!! The Blizzard that I know after all of these years will offer paid character transfers after BGs are released for their cash grab

Then you can REALLY vote with your wallet. Isn’t that great?!?!

Yawn, you guys really need to find something new to gripe about.

Its the exact system that was in place during vanilla. There were 70/30 pvp servers in vanilla as well.

Im sorry you thought pvp servers would be 50/50 and you would have honorable 1v1’s while everyone watched. That was never the case. If thats what you want, roll on a pve server.

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A hair from 58. Gained 6 levels questing/grinding despite the Horde. Its difficult but not unplayable. Suck it up buttercup. Also should of played a stealth class =). Or bought invis potions in bulk asap. Can’t actually be camped. Partner up with even one other stealthy and you can even pick off a couple 60’s here and there. I do hope BG’s clear up the areas a bit cause Id like to grind rep, quest for gold/S&giggles and so you don’t have to die 5+ times getting to certain dungeons/raids.


LoL that is awesome.
You may have begun the invention of a new PVP play style.
The Double Agent.
MC member of opposite faction, and use them to slaughter your own guys.

Dont think it works that way, but the idea is funny.
I like how you bandaged him up though, thats awesome.
And they say the undead have no honor

by that logic, i guess theres no point to playing the game either unless you’re paid to play the game in some way or the other

Nah it just turns them into like a warlock pet. You don’t MC them the same way a priest would. Similarly when you set them to attack mode they do random stuff. Sometimes they’ll actually cast spells but most of the time they just pop random cds and vanish. Like a mage I did it to in Gadgetzan that was 60 popped arcane power randomly and started autoing then casted a fireball out of nowhere. Delightful item though when it doesn’t backfire and mc you instead.

And yeah, I figured I’d try to make it as fair a fight as possible but it can be easily be seen as I bandaged him for more honor points. I kinda wish he had cds though. If I get completely outplayeed I’m more impressed than I am annoyed. Like a low level mage, I think like probably 53 or something when I was in Ungoro lost a fight to me because level and gear advantage, but I still could recognize he was a good player. He did a very good job with weaving in fireballs to keep the dot on me and kited me until I just decided to blow sprint and vanish. Had he been 60 and equally geared I honestly think he would have curbstomped me and I’m looking forward to the day that time comes if I see him. Can’t remember name off the top of my head but he was in Soverign, I imagine if I see the name ever I’ll recognize it since that’s how I am with names.