Already 470k Viewers for New World NA Servers Aren't UP Yet, How Will Blizz Respond

some do. not him. he’s the one that thinks you can’t even start playing the game until you have full bis gear

Bold statement


Just bought a new comp last year, and looking at that game I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t play at max settings. I’m not the kind of guy who spends four grand to play cutting edge graphics, so that’s a pass until a budget computer handles it as well as this.

I really think this game had the right idea when they didn’t focus on hyper realistic graphics and I think that could be a potential trap for a lot of these new games because, well, less people will be capable of at least fully enjoying them.

Im not bashing the game because competition is always good but only 2k server limit with 20k ques, yes good luck with that.

You really don’t though. Also the players had to fight long and hard to get Blizz to drop the rating on PvP gear because we didn’t want it like Retail. It’s a battle with this company every step of the way and we just want to play a fun game.

The best PvP gearing had no rating on gear, you went to the vendor and bought BiS gear with Conquest. That is how it should be. You should also be able to do the same with Valor.

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intense nightborne glare

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You really do lol, like i swear retail players (especially m+ clowns) would fume if things like Warglaive exists in current expansion.

You know, back in the day when there was “easy” crafted gear to collect.

Back when some of the best crafted items were BoP, meaning you had to take and grind through a specific profession to make it yourself.

Back when some of the best recipes were rare raid drops or at the end of long rep grinds.

Back when getting the “common” reagents together meant competing with other players for resources, sometimes in super-localized areas (hello, Wind Scales)

Guess you don’t know what trolling is. I think actual Trolls should be banned from the forums because they don’t like discussions.

PS - It’s really weird that this thread was flagged, a mod restored it then ppl didn’t like that and flagged it again. I think it’s sad we live in a time where we can’t have constructive conversations about important topics.

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What have you said that’s constructive in any way, ever?


Looking forward to New World! I don’t think WoW will be able to survive with all of these new games coming out (:


Im sorry but crafted gear has always been garbage in the mid to late expac, you just don’t know it because ilvl doesn’t exists and people isn’t as tryhard as they are now.

People that used gearscore in wrath are considered elitist.

Literally saw M0 players complain about getting mastery gear today, back then people just happy they got purps.

Regardless of what the OP has done or hasn’t done, this specific topic is interesting to talk about considering how many new games/expansions are coming out between now and the end of the year.

At the end of the day, pick between these two: discuss the topic, or just don’t say anything. This is a discussion about what WoW will do in the future based on the success of other games. You are correct; this is the GENERAL DISCUSSION for WOW-related topics, which this is.

Quote where this discussion has happened?

All OP has said is “I wonder how hard WoW will die lolololol”

Yikes. Well that settles it. I’m not going to buy the game for a few more days or maybe wait a week.

I have no interest in New World and neither does anyone in my guild. We’re talking more about our strats on how to kill Mythic Sylvanas.

New World is literally DoA. It’s a short-term fad just like FF14 and will be forgotten about in 2-3 months. The game was written off a year ago by most people.

New World is really an example of how not to design an MMORPG based solely around PvP when the vast majority of players are PvE.

“I hope Blizz can capture some excitement again with their games. I hope the Blizz team plays FF and New World and learns how to create good games again. Where players are excited to have fun instead of force them to do chores. Get rid of gear ranks, rating for gear, convoluted systems, time-gating, chores and endless resource grind. Let the players have fun. Devs are supposed to create a game for the players to play how they want.”

Bestie, just because you’re old and can’t read, doesn’t mean that the rest of us have to deal with your laziness. Y’all are too busy ripping this guy a new one that there hasn’t even been room for any discussion.


it doesn’t matter, even if there was 2 mil viewers, all it proves is some people are curious. viewers dont pay the game bills. but it can be effective advertising.

It sounds like you’re doing a mental gymnastic routine like the OP.

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I’ve said this in other threads: have you seen the combat? or better yet, were able to get in early and have already tried it? Cause the combat utterly sucks. I mean, seriously, I’d love for a new mmo but good god, that combat… W T F.