Already 470k Viewers for New World NA Servers Aren't UP Yet, How Will Blizz Respond

Correct but WoW doesn’t have to die this year. SL doesn’t have to be the WoW killer. So how will Blizz respond? Will they try to prevent WoW inevitable demise this year? Are they willing to do enough? Time will tell, until then most MMO players will be playing other games.

Up over 500k Viewers now.

I will bet you (or I would if I wasnt broke) that the enthusiasm for this game will last, at most, a couple of months. Even assuming people’s graphics cards dont explode the way they did in beta, which has to be a bit of a putoff.


If Blizz had any intention of ending the game they’d tell folks way in advance

I give it 3 weeks

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hm should I buy new world

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Turning into a certain female Pandaren real quickly there, Briselody. Reported your post for insulting another player.

This is a fair discussion, OP. It will be really interesting to see if Blizzard gains new inspiration from all of the new games/new expansions coming out soon.


You misunderstand. The rest of the year looks bleak for WoW with no real fixes in sight and great MMO competition. So WoW will die this year and likely drop below 1 million subs. Unless Blizz responds with massive changes.

Gonna be interesting if Blizz can save WoW.

Well I was somewhat expecting common sense but I see the same lame baits

“how they will respond?” “lets give atention to it!” “help me push my agenda!” “don’t forget to like and subscribe!”

That game was DESTROYING people’s GPU cards. That alone should tell you something… and I havent seen anyone from that game to step forward and sent a new GPU to the affected players.

There you go, I give this thread more than it deserves as I don’t post on off topic at all.

I won’t sub or give this a like.



Its pay-to-play so Im not sure what that says for its future potential. Unless they put a shirtload of stuff into the game store. Which wouldnt surprise me, given who owns the game. I see loot boxes in its future…

Lmao what are you supposed to be, Abomb’s alt? Guess he got tired of people disagreeing with him.

Hey OP, when New World inevitably flops are you gonna leave, or just pick the next “wow-killer” to troll with?


Games rubbish, it’s like dollar bin Elderscrolls. If you’ve played any RPG in the past 20 years you’ve already played New World ironically enough.

But decide for yourself. Don’t listen to me, or especially Abom.


New world will randomly be the new no.1 game, leaving wow and ffxiv in the dust


You can call me an alt or whatever you’d like. You just keep having fun with your new high quality fruit paintings. I’m sure they’ll provide a whole lot of content for you in 9.1.5, lmao.


Find a new meme, that one’s played out.


That is exactly what I wanted to discuss. Blizz didn’t have any competition for years and got lazy with design and content. Now they have incredible competition with FF being the most popular MMO now and then New World. So with FF new expansion coming and New World today what will Blizz do? The rest of the year will be extremely interesting.

I’m waiting in Que now, as expected.

This award was given with some very limited criteria. Not sure it is the best thing to look at.


Oh god now we have constant “blah blah new world” threads to look forward to on top of FF14 ones
.just go play the game if you want no one cares to hear this…


Yup, had my coffee, the temperature has been and will be in the 80s, about to go in the chiropractor office for an adjustment, and off to work. When the day is done, I’ll head home and start the normal Tuesday routine in WoW. An epic day indeed!

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Ug this guy


Well the solution is for Blizz to create a great game again. They will have too if they plan on being a part of the flourishing MMO industry. Discussing other games and the state of WoW go hand in hand. Especially when other games are doing great things and WoW isn’t.

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Already seeing threads of long login queues…like in the thousands.