[A]<Love Letter> Mythic Raiding Guild!

Happy 9.1, Sargeras!

Love Letter is recruiting 1-2 healers, and exceptional DPS for 9.1 Mythic Raiding! Members ranging from 3-9/10M experience. Looking for a fun, respectful environment to push Cutting Edge? Look no further!

Our primary Mythic Raid nights will be Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30-10:30CST(server). We strive to be organized, with the first three weeks of 9.1 events already laid out and detailed in our Discord server. Please feel free to reach out for more information!

Discord Contact: Vinny#3224
BNET Contact: Str8Wizard#1993


Bumpy bump

Boopyyy bump

Bump bump!

I’m not ready for mythic raiding but I think y’alls guild name is lovely

1 Like

Bumpy bump

Are you all still recruiting? My hunter is still LF a mythic guild.

Donnally is my hunter’s name

Bump bump!

8/10 mythic shadow priest also have a ele/resto shaman

Bump! If you would like to inquire about joining, please reach out via Discord!

Bump bump!

bloop bomp.

Still recruiting DPS for Mythic Raiding! Currently 6/10H.