Almost 20 Years Now, And We Still Don't Have

Logging out “manually” -waiting for the timer to do so - fixes this for me 100% of the time.

Random stealth breaks are worse.

but… it does.
most people are able to figure out what they’re in combat with, kill it, and be on their merry way.

i already said that it can be something like a sleeping mob, or walking too close to npcs which are in combat.

correct, because I still don’t think it’s a bug.

because you were in combat with them.

being in combat with something, isn’t a bug.
it’s an intended function of the game.

just because something is posted in the Bug Report Forum, doesn’t mean it’s a bug.
You’d be amazed at how many “bugs” are simply user error, or not understanding how a thing works.

they’ve been doing this for over a decade.
…but it’s much easier to detect terrain hacking, than something which could be viewed as just a player acting weird.

yeah… because there are times when it happens, and it’s easier to just leave the area instead of trying to track down what you’re in combat with.
(i also have no idea how resetting the UI could fix an “in combat” issue, so if anyone can explain that, i’m all ears) :rabbit:

That was disingenuous, since I clearly didn’t say that being in combat itself was the bug. It’s the fact that the leashing function, which does directly pertain to the creature types you mention, is not working as “an intended function of the game”…the very definition of a bug.

You keep going back to suggesting that the aggro is just something the player has overlooked. The simple fact of the matter is, that is irrelevant. If you get far enough away, the leash function is supposed to remove it.


Its CLEARLY a bug and CLEARLY something a lot of people encounter or blizzard wouldnt have wasted their time with a remedy.

“STUCK” in combat…not just in combat.
“STUCK” is a bug…not intended…obviously


yes, and there are reasons which would cause people to be stuck in combat…

like getting into a raid, getting locked in with the boss, and then discovering that you can’t kill the boss for whatever reason, but you aren’t taking enough damage to die, blah blah… “stuck in combat”.

there are things other than being in combat with something (or apparently nothing) while out in the world.

its NOT a function of the game or the article would give options to get unSTUCK from combat that didnt include hearthing out, shutting down the game, resetting the UI, etc. lmao.

If you notice that your character is stuck in combat often, reset the user interface. If the issue persists, [contact us].

You dont reset your flipping UI over a game mechanic that ISNT bugged, lmao

if it’s a bug, why would they imply that it can be fixed from the users end?

(i thought you put me on ignore?)

Its that like on rogue when Id be stealthing thru a mob and stealth would just drop and Id get pummeled? lol.
I started hating rogue after a while because I thought I could rely on stealth to get past stuff, but even at a safe distance some of the time itd just drop stealth.

The design software I use has an annoying BUG that sometimes prevents changes to the model from being reflected in the properties dialog window. Shutting that interface down and opening it again fixes it. This has been a common way of dealing with faults in software since computer programming was invented. If all else fails…turn it off, and then on again. Viola!

I’m not quite sure why you’d think a glitch can’t be solved from the user’s end, though… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sometimes I feel like it’s the random little buffs we get from different new effects. I swear, back in SL for a time, when someone would toss me a coin from their soulbind it would pop me out.

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a glitch, sure.
a bug… not so much.

notice that page we’ve linked a few times now.
Notice nowhere does it say 'THIS IS A NORMAL FUNCTION OF COMBAT, FIGURE IT OUT" lmao.
No, it admits this is an actual issue then gives UNCONVENTIONAL remedies to get around it.
IF it were a function of the game it would be CONSISTENT as it would be designed to do the same thing in the same circumstances.

As stated before, I could do the same thing 1000 times and only a portion of those would end up with me being stuck in combat.
Absolute typical behavior for a bug like this. Total inconsistency.

These ‘NOT ME’ sorts just like to troll threads like this. At a point you just have to just stop talking to them.

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The glitch is caused by a bug, why-…

You know what? Nevermind.

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Clearly, Nobully loves the sight of his own text because he/she/it says lots of words but ends up communicating nothing in the end run.

I think we should just all block the obvious forum troll and move on.

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Just here to be yet another person to confirm this bug still exists and is irritating.

I usually go invisible, force stealth or kill everything in my vicinity (Hopefully killing the offending mob as well) to fix it.

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stuff happens on the server… yes?

so how would a UI reset change that?

ive had to on every alt I end up posting on.
I think the only time he and I agreed and he didnt try to troll me was in the multiboxing discussions a couple years ago on another alt of mine.

do a forum search. lol. I literally just stopped reading all the comments and threads about it at a point.
Having the ‘NOT ME’ sort saying it aint so in here doesnt alter reality, sad to inform anyone

Just because you have never seen it does not mean it can never ever happen, I’ve been stuck in combat many many times, never after logging, but having ran across entire zones and still being stuck in combat, that should never happen.

This game is full is these little bugs that only get some people here and there, like the druid bug that when you walk out of a building and keep walking in the same direction you cannot shapeshift even though you are outside because the game still thinks you are inside as that was the last place you were when you gave your character a direction.

Someone even tested that bug, they ran out of a building in Elwynn Forest, kept their finger on W in a straight line not hitting anything or deviating from their path, they could not shapeshift until they changed direction or stopped moving even when they were almost in the next zone.

There are just some weird interactions between your game and the server and one of them is the combat bug where the server thinks you are still in combat even if you just sit around in town for hours. Easiest I have found to get out of combat is killing another enemy in a different part of the zone, the server will check if all the enemies in a certain radius are dead and pull you out of combat if there are none alive.


Because we’ve actually had interesting (and funny) interactions on these forums before, I won’t put you on ignore as has been suggested…but as far as this thread goes, you have ignored every piece of logic and linkable evidence presented to you. If you’re just going to double-down with irrelevancy, there’s no point in continuing.

My last response, have fun.

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