Almost 20 Years Now, And We Still Don't Have

so someone literally took the time to make a comic strip out of it and somehow WE are making the whole thing up according to the ‘not me’ crowd :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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overly easy fix that could have been implemented a decade ago.
Which leaves one wondering why it hasnt been

If you haven’t seen the Dark Legacy comic before, you’re in for a real treat. It’s like an unending series of WoW memes.

The software is twenty years old, obscenely massive, and has had thousands of updates and additions over those years. Take it from someone educated in programming; fixes are never ‘overly easy’.

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oh cool. I’ll have to check it out !

my way of fixing it, is to hearth out of there. sure, it’s tedious but it works.

…still wish it was’nt a bug in the game though…

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you know, Ive never tried that. Thanks for the tip!
anything that works is welcome info.

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Nah it’s definitely a thing. Blizzard even has this:

Blizzard Support - Character Stuck in Combat (


no problem, just to be safe though, i reccomend keeping your hearth in a different zone. like uh… if your questing on the dragon-isles, keep your hearth in pandaria, or orgrimmar/stormwind, etc.

or just use the draenor/dalaran hearthstones.

The bug is usually not a critter. It’s usually an enemy stuck way in the ground. Something you can’t attack but then can see you for miles. I once had to walk from Nazmir to Vol’dun to break out of combat.

It was talked about sometime ago that with DR coming out, people started noticing bots teleporting across the map. It seems they don’t even really need flying.

Ever since I installed threat plates it’s been easier for me to figure out which mob I’m stuck in combat with. Prime example of blizzard leaving quality of life to add-ons which makes the base game more frustrating.

It’s never been a critter, it’s always been a nearby mob who’s “busy” but for whatever reason doesn’t pull or target me.

Like a mob channeling something at terrain or an NPC you’re supposed to free. Some mobs seem to be linked so if you pull one and kill it his buddy still keeps you in combat.

It sucks and blizzard could easily fix it to make life less frustrating.

So blizzard even has a help page over it and yet we get responses like…


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It’s really annoying when you land at a Dirt pile, kill a bunch of stuff and then are stuck in combat and can’t dig the dirt. So while you’re running around trying to drop combat or find what’s targeting you, someone lands and takes your dirt.


Why did you have to remind me!

I recall getting stuck in combat in Azsuna sooo many times. Especially around that Legion place in easter Azsuna.

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Or this bug has been fixed consistently but with every new line of code there’s a chance of the bug reappearing. Oh wait, logic and critical thought are not allowed on these forums. My mistake.

I’ll try the wormholes from engineering too. Wondering if any portal type thing might work since I have so many of those too.

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this is the actual answer

what is amazing, is they “fixed the bug” that allowed players to power level others but cannot or will not fix the “still in combat bug”

power leveling has been in game since day 1 like combat bug. 15 years goes by and suddenly it’s fixed. of course, it had nothing to do with allied chars being released in same week that this 15 year “bug” was “fixed”.

my guess is if someone in game can figure out a way to use the combat bug to their advantage (a genius to be sure) then it would get finally fixed.


I mean…what else am I supposed to conclude given its been going on this long?
Yeah, remedies, but how about just fix it ?

My hunter can Feign Death a couple times a minute. It works to get me out of the combat bug every time.
contrary to the thoughts of some, its NOT stepping on Hunters toes to have a toy or ability that mimics feign death but is only usable X times per day or per week, which would be more than enough most of the time.

Just do it for god sake.

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Neither is a reasonable attempt at discussing a common problem, without being attacked with unnecessary derision. Such only serves to derail civil discourse.

We need a 5m cooldown pot for this. A “Get out of jail” card, vs a core class attribute like hunters and rogues. 5m is more than enough to limit any exploit, or wiping the utility of the class abilities.

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