Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

It was a PR stunt, nothing more. The current team that is working on WoW right are some of the most out of touch developers I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.

Their, “we know what is best” design philosophy has slowly marched this game into the toilet. I thought DF was a step in the right direction, but DF ended having a lot of the same problems the game has had since Legion.

I don’t think the new expansion is going to right the ship here, the people working on the game just don’t have the experience, the talent and the humility to make a fun MMO.

Edit: I’d like to add, a lot of their design decisions seem to based on player metrics and designing systems to pad MAUs, which is never going to make for a fun MMO.


To be fair most of the community and even some of the community council should be ignored.

That one hunter that posts in GD a lot is a prime example.

Scroll through community council.

Majority are 0-5 replies
Barely any of them even hit 10+
Almost none of them hit 50+

Being so isolated from the community might not be working out.

Imagine coming up with a great idea or feedback and getting 0 replies and it just disappears into the void.

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I kinda wish you would, if only because I know the name involved (and dislike them.)

I am very petty.

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Idk how many total CC members there are.

But if the devs aren’t interacting with you, they could definitely do better at supporting each other at least.

Letting almost half the threads go by with 0 replies is sad.

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Pretty please don’t encourage that.


Since there’s early access editions , I am gonna say nope it didn’t work :rofl:

Sorry it’s in my blood. :pensive:

100, when someone leaves, it goes back to 100 again, but yes far too few people from the CC are active and they should have the ‘‘respect’’ for lack of words, to bow out as they clearly don’t have the time for it and it can be filled with someone who has the time, like Näamah for instance.

I did a general call-out last month, it got some people posting but died down soon.

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That can be fixed… BY FIRE BE PURGED!

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Something to keep in mind with the Council. They recruited people from widely different gameplay styles. RP, battlepets, solo, PvP, raider, casual, hardcore, classic, retail, transmog, etc.

I personally found that I just had nothing to offer on topics that were not in my play area, which were most of them. I am not the person to be talking about PvP, esp to the Devs, for example. The things I have most experience in were also not the most current cutting edge content released, so again as a casual there is not much to say if you have not done something yet.

That has something to do with why people stick to the areas they know, and don’t reply to all the threads. Then they are spread out worldwide.

Of course, there are some who just don’t check it, so there is that. IDK, there were only the first 30 or so when I was on it, and it gradually built over the year so my experience is limited to that.

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(Leaps in front of fiery blast to protect Snowpine)

(Afterwards, heads back to exploring Azeroth)

(Crazie sent me)

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I’ve been posting feedback on topics that are of interest to me, I don’t think people should be in the Community Council just to have a discussion about something, they might as well stay in GD for that.

Oh interesting. That’s fewer than I would’ve thought but still far more than enough to at least get a couple replies on each thread.

I still think it would be better to just have CC threads pinned to the top of GD (or whichever appropriate forum, PvP, dungeon, story) compared to being isolated.

It could still be locked to CC only or maybe even CC + MVP + TL3 or something.

I think definitely the CC posters have a part to play in cross-posting to the GD to get a broader perspective of a subject. But the problem is, we’ve never been giving actual guidelines.


Keep in mind the Forums are only a tiny tiny fraction of the WoW Community. That community exists in guilds, arena teams, Discords, Guide Websites/comments, RP communities, streams, etc. They don’t want to hear feedback from just forum posters, they recruited people who never touched the forums because they wanted to hear from communities that were NOT here.

So no, they don’t have guidelines like that, because they don’t want to define how feedback has to be given and force them to post on GD.

BUT, it is true there is very little defined purpose to the Council or guidelines on just what people are supposed to be doing.

Like Cyrios said 100 but about half or more I have yet to see even speak much less make a post on the CC forums.

True which is great but it won’t work for a sample of 100 players, that’s why I wonder if using subforums could be a better approach, if you only have 10/100 M+ players then you’ve a really small sample and few interactions besides that there’s some members that never use the forums and just the discord from my understanding.

IMO, It feels like the idea doesn’t have an horizon… a plan.

I asked for Q&As calls between Devs and Council members for almost 1 year until the first one happened, the community has to push for those calls because they didn’t plan that ahead of time when it was announced.

Makes me wonder if a better format would be something like.

Only CC can make threads.

CC + MvP + TL3 can reply.

Would definitely be more interaction while still having some protection against the masses.


Or the threads can be as they are and any council member wishing for feedback can make a thread in GD and link it to their Council thread, with a ‘I would appreciate any thoughts and feedback on this’, which then makes a link right on the council thread main post linking to the GD discussion for it that can be followed for any feedback.

And any non-council person that wishes to discuss a council thread can also link the thread in the post, which not only notifies the thread creator as mentioned, but also as noted above adds a link section under the main post of the council thread, so any post discussing it is viewable and followable from it.

And as such council threads aren’t turned into a mess, a whole another area to have to moderate isn’t made, and the council thread has links to any related discussion posts right on it to follow for discussing it.

For example (and my apologies for the ping to the council member I’m linking for the example), if a council member (or any GD person) wanted to get feedback on say being unable to cage new pets, a council thread

Simply linking that thread now has pinged that thread creator, and this thread now shows as a link on that council thread as having talked about it, so if this was a dedicated thread to talk about that topic, a link to the discussion post for it would be right there.