Reason behind being unable to Cage New Pets?

Is there a reason as to why we are unable to cage new battle pets? I’ve gotten so many duplicates from Emerald Bounties and I cannot do anything with them.

In fact MANY pets this expansion that should be designated as cageable are not! Grand Hunt pets should be cageable for sure as well as the emerald bounty pets, pretty sure I’m missing a few but I can’t remember them off the top of my head. If these pets remain uncageable then they should not be dropping duplicates.


Pets should just drop in their caged form by default as well. Having to go through the loot → learn → cage dance is pretty silly.


It’s also very inconsistent, Forbidden Reach and Zaralek were all cageable, later pets suddenly all of them don’t.

It’s a suprising system anyway that you can get renown rewards before you actually reach the renown?


I don’t understand why the days are gone where a pet would drop or be gotten off a vendor and you could just throw them on the AH as the gods intended without the caging and all that.


We found this bug, and during maintenance today, we fixed it. Emerald Dream pets should now be cageable.


Is this retroactive?

It is; was able to cage pets I had learned already!

Ty Kaivax!

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