Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

You´re right some recent changes had threads in the council that were never replied by a Dev, however; that´s also an issue because Devs don’t check with players feedback before doing those changes or do a follow up after doing the changes.

Just take in consideration how the holiday cosmetics were changed to a daily boost attempt, that didn’t address the core issues mentioned by players and Reward Dev never addressed the council members that posted feedback during 2022-2023 period before that change was implemented or their lack of follow up since February…they just push the same change to next Holidays receiving the same backlash from the community.

Continuing the discussion from Should the Community Council be dissolved?:

Why isn’t productive? It doesn’t seen like the council is helping since Devs and CMs aren’t replying at all since its introduction…There’s a big gap between threads and Dev response. How can they improve that? This isn’t the first thread about their lack of communication with the council and I doubt it’ll be the last one or frustation when players provide feedback and there’s a lack of interaction between players and devs.


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