Allowing other races to be DH

only annoyed that some people don’t understand when they’re literally arguing against themselves.

It’s okay to be angry.

Ya know, if you’re the kind of person who gets angry over wow forums.

In that context, it’s okay.

From my perspective it’s hilarious. It’s been fun. Thanks for the laughs.

Good luck in your quest for void elf demon hunters.

This guy definitely supports you

You’re the person who constantly has it pointed out how what they said is objectively untrue and then deflects by calling the other person angry.

I was willing to engage in discussion until you clearly got emotional.

And you’re the kind of person who claims an opinion or argument is fact, which is another terrible trait in argument.

When you’re capable of maintaining composure and understanding your perspective is simply that - a perspective - I will be happy to speak with you in the future. Best of luck!

No, you weren’t. You’ve done this 4 times now when nobody is emotional at all.

Some things are opinions. Some are facts. “Void Elf shouldn’t dh” is an opinion. “Lightforged draenai dk aren’t infused with the light” isn’t.

You’re doing it again. Being as passive-aggressive as possible and accusing the other person of being too emotional in order to avoid having to admit when you made a mistake. This is like the 5th time.

Yep, nothing emotional about this.

Sorry, last comment. I just couldn’t help but laugh.

I figured you needed it pointed out in caps since you were being too thick-headed to figure it out on your own. Sorry if that bothered you. But you were literally arguing against your self. Though maybe I should have put it in bold or italics instead.

the best post in this entire discussion!

Yes please. Let me be a Z Troll or Tauren or Orc DH. Hate being a dumb elf.

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I want to be one of those Felborn like in Suramar with the green glyphs. God they look awesome.

Do we have to? Can’t we just leave DH races alone?

I wrote a short on the possibility of LF Draenei becoming DH.

In game issue is the icons and spell flavors. If you have a DH created from the Light instead of Fel, the icons and in game flavor should reflect that otherwise you lose the fantasy. So even though the possibility “could” exist, too many people would complain about the “feel” of the class in game not reflecting the race as well as more shouting about retcon-ing the lore for the sake of x, y, z races getting to play a certain class. Could the devs create it such that the in-game spells reflect the race playing the class? Sure. I’m not holding my breath for it to get done though.

Shadowlands gave every race the ability to be a DK because they are “new” dks. No reason dhs can’t make new dhs. Elves, Orcs, and Humans wouldn’t be too far off lore to do.

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