Allowing other races to be DH

Would be cool if Void Elfs and Nightborne could become DH, shouldn’t conflict with the lore or aesthetic of the class to allow the other elf races to be that class.


Pretty sure it would conflict with some lore but screw it do it anyway. Lore can be retconned and never really mattered when it came to player classes.

True. Look at the state of the lore right now, can’t say the Devs really care about it. The current story is trash and the lore is confusing.

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Lore is pretty easy to work around. If lore was an actual excuse, alliance still wouldn’t have shaman, horde would have paladin, and demon hunters would never have been a class in the first place.

And @OP, I completely agree that other races should be able to play DH. I support all elf races, draenei, and orcs being able to roll DH.

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Yeah that’s literally what I said…

Void and fel don’t mix. A void elf demon hunter would absolutely be a contradiction to lore.

If any races should be demon hunters, just make them humans and orcs.


Void elf warlocks use fel magic.


There are Lightforged Draenai death knights and undead holy priests. Why the hell you picking on elves you racist?


There’s a difference between using magic and being infused with magic.

They… died. Unless there’s lore stipulating that the light remains in their body after death, it doesn’t really matter.

This has already been addressed. Undead are capable of wielding it, it just hurts a lot.

… lmfao.

There is a raid boss in WoD who was infused with void and fel. Didn’t work out well for him.

Both demon hunters and void elves have to deal with the evil whispering at the back of their minds.

Void and fel are opposing energies. Like, literally enemies. Infusing both in a single body is ludicrous.

Edit: I’m gonna re-quote this because I’m convinced people don’t understand it.

There’s a difference between using magic and being infused with magic.

A warlock casting shadow bolt is simply casting shadow bolt. It means he is trained and well-versed in that category of magic. Tomorrow, he could stop casting it.

A warlock infused with the void has incorporated void into his/her essence, soul, mind, everything.

Demon hunters are the same. You don’t infuse void and fel

Humans and orcs would be far more logical choices. They already have agile class options, they both have plenty of reason to despise the Legion, and, as a pvp’er, they’re the two best races with their stun-related racials, and there are no lore contradictions.

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They have a glowy light tattoo and a bunch of holy passives / racials… it remained in their body after death.

Cool. Then address it for dh too. Lore can be changed or expanded upon to make room for better game mechanics.

This is literally what happens every single time a void elf lock uses dark soul. Or when a lightforged draenai spriest uses void form. You’re being ridiculous.

Either give other elves the option to be a dh or don’t. But don’t say you can’t because of lore. That’s an absolutely terrible excuse that can easily be explained away with a throwaway line in the starter area saying something like “we learned how to to deal with it”.

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Who’s to say. Tattoos don’t mean a whole lot. Death can change a body and a soul.

Racials are a fair point to an extent. They’re abilities. See my earlier argument.

I tl;dr’d it for you. This, like the OP, is a topic that has been beaten to death.

Temporary battle enhancements are comparable to a permanent modification to the soul and body? “You’re being ridiculous”. (Side-note. Let’s not throw in the unnecessary one-liners. Makes you look immature and angry. Immaturity and anger bore me).

Sure it can. Doesn’t mean it should be. There are better races available.

I don’t think that demon hunters should be made available to void elves because “elves”.

Void elves did virtually the exact same thing demon hunters did. They saw power in the void (fel) and incorporated it in their very essence to use against the void (burning legion).

It would look like an awkward power creep to go from infusing void to supplementing it with infusing fel.

Should they make dh’s available to other races? Absolutely. Should it be void elves? No. That’s literally the last race it should be.

When your magic tattoo is literally your symbol of your connection to the light? lol okay.

A couple of them are passives.

Clearly not to death if people still feel strongly about it one way or another.

Being a death knight isn’t temporary. Being in shadow form 24/7 isn’t temporary. Dark soul is temporary, but is just proof that game mechanics don’t actually give a damn about infusing players with multiple schools at once.

lmao I’d say you’re projecting if that’s your response to someone saying “you’re being ridiculous”.

I mean I’d love to be an orc dh more than anything but I don’t really see how that’s relevant. We weren’t arguing about what races would be better. We were arguing about whether the lore should be an excuse why void elves shouldn’t be dh. And it 100% shouldn’t.

Agree to disagree I guess. Personally I can’t really say I care about that at all. In the same way I’m not really bothered by how I supplemented my dh with nature powers or whatever this expansion by joining the Night Fae.

Again, we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that.

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There is a precedent of people being reanimated and wielding light. A priest in life, a priest in death. Sure, wielding light hurts the forsaken, but I honestly don’t see much of a lore contradiction in this.

Lightforged dk’s aren’t far off the beaten path where this logic is concerned. It’s not as if they made a choice to be reanimated. They’ve taken on new abilities, but a bit of their race is still intact.

Sure, these could be seen as minor lore contradictions. I’m going to redact what I said earlier about it being a complete contradiction because after thinking about it I genuinely don’t think it is.

People don’t choose reanimation. It’s imposed on them. I’d imagine the light would understand this. After all, how could a follower better prove his/her devotion than by continuing to wield the light even though it hurts to do so?

I just don’t see this as being a parallel to voluntarily incorporating two diametrically opposing forces into a person’s being.

To address, yes it is, and it’s not the same thing. You can flick it off at any moment. Shadow form is also a “form”. It is mastery of shadow Magics to such an extent that you can alter your physical form to better wield them. It is not at the core of the user’s soul.

If you change your specialization as a priest, you no longer have shadow form.

If I change my spec as a demon hunter, I still have a demon in my soul.

If I change my class or spec as a void elf, I still have the void in my soul.

Fel and void (two opposing forces, to a destructive measure), which have conscious thoughts and those thoughts try to dominate you are not comparable to light and shadow/undeath.

Light is an ally. Undeath does not have an agenda (at least not since the link to the LK was broken) Void is not an ally. The fel is not an ally. They are actual enemies. Both to themselves and to the character.

They do. The eternal hunger.

Shadow form is a permanent buff. We’re talking about gameplay right now.
Dark souls is temporary buff. But the fact that you can use it as a void elf and have your soul infused with both fel/void at the same time with 0 side-effects makes it pretty clear that it’s not nearly as big of a deal when it comes to gameplay as you’re making it out to be.

So much wrong with all of this.

How the hell is this relevant in any way whatsoever? Why you pretending like them not being opposite automatically means they gel well together WHEN YOU’RE LITERALLY ARGUING THAT FEL AND VOID ARE INCOMPATIBLE DESPITE NOT BEING OPPOSITES EITHER.

It certainly is :smiley:

Death does not have a will of its own. Someone can be dead and have a will of their own.

A death knight does not have something in the back of his mind whispering to kill the living or perform x agenda. He did, when the lich king dominated him. The Lich king did, when the jailer dominated him. Those ties have been severed. The void does, permanently. The fel does, permanently.

Shadow form and dark soul are not states of being. They are temporary and can be altered.

Light - An ally to the player. Is sentient
Fel - An enemy to the player. Is sentient.
Void - an enemy to the player. Is sentient.
Death - Neutral. Is not sentient. Just as life is neutral and has nothing whispering in your ear, so is death.

I think you’re confusing death with shadow/void.

Death is the opposing force of life, not light.

Honestly doesn’t seem all that bad of an idea, esp for nightborne. As far as lore says, nightborne are just sort of souped up nelves who were exposed to the nightwell. It isn’t too far off to how the highborne evolved into blood elves; minor tweaks to Illidan’s whole fel-infusing recipe for them specifically would definitely work out for them.

Aw, poor guy’s all mad now :frowning:
I’d be mad too if I was on your side of the argument.

As you said before editing the entirety of your comment:

This conversation’s over.

Orc are too stupid to withstand the fel corruption and turn into full demons themselves.

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Void elfs didn’t exist back in tbc tho