Allow pvp to pve transfers please

Fair is relative. No matter how “fair” you make it, people will complain on some tangent on why it is not fair.

The only griefing, IMO, is when people use obvious bugs (e.g. pathing issues) to avoid game mechanics. E.g. Gadgetzan roof, Redridge water. Those people need the ban hammer.

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Its a common mistake, but at least you are 60 now, you can queue for bg on the cities and only deal with wpvp at the doors of dungeon or hot farming spots. Also at some point they will open the server transfers, I just don’t think it’s gonna be for free.

Griefing is harassing a player or players by using the game systems in a way, which is not intentded, to hurt or disable their experience. Ganking is just PVP, where the advantaged is stacked against the person being ganked.

For example. Griefing would be to intentionally evade a mob, which someone needs for a quest, to disable them from completing the quest. Ganking would be to call a few friends over, to kill the guy, who is intentionally evading the mob.

I use the term ganking for when the player being attacked is at impossible odds which is 99% of attacks in my experience. Again don’t get how this is fun for anyone.

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OK. thought the 2 terms were synonymous.

Grief is a term the company use for player disrupting other player, at that pov the gank is not griefing, but you can call that experience griefing for you as for the common use of the word (but it will lead to discussion/confusion, because other will think you want that the ganker player take a in game penalty).

Reroll on a pve server dude. Less stress, trust me.
These pvp threads always turns into Rogues/Horde praising pvp and pvp servers, and everyone else crying about it.

OK. I understand. I’ve seen the term used differently in other games but now understand the difference as it relates to WoW.

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This is literally what you signed up for when you rolled on a PvP server. Anyone who told you differently was lying, either to you, or to themselves.

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The OP makes it seem like this was not known information

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Not doing that. The game just isn’t fun enough to repeat the long slog to 60. It was fun doing it once but wouldn’t want to start from scratch.

I’ll just deal with the sociopaths until I’ve had enough of the game.

As a new player who didn’t know I WAS told otherwise. The majority urged me to do PVP server. really bad advice for a new player with no skills. I just love all the corpse running. So much fun.

In pretty much every PvP thread, going back well before Classic launched, people were consistently warning anyone who would listen about the fact that this was going to happen.

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Yes I did get some warnings of this but the much larger majority poo poo’d those warnings. I went with the majority.

BG’s are structured PVP based around objectives and teamwork and the initial three are Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley.

WSG is a 10-10 game of capture the flag that rewards a combination of intuition, skill and teamwork.

Arathi basin is 15-15 wherein players battle for control of 5 points that provide ticking warscore to the controlling side and a landscape that allows players to fortify themselves at certain points but also ensures that simply zerging around the map in a death ball isn’t a viable strategy against a competent opponent.

Alterac valley is 40-40 and combines PVP with elements of PVE; players will face both human and AI bots as they fight for control points, mines, graveyards and even the opponents general. Further expanding on the content of this is that players can turn in resources to strengthen their team, call in friendly support and summon an epic raid boss.

Balance is more or less maintained in bgs by gating each BG into a minimum level requirement for entry (WSG is 10, AB is 20 and AV is 50) and 10 level brackets.

Rewards for doing these come in the form of gear you can earn via a combination of victory tokens and honor.

Thanks for that detailed explanation!

You sound just like…my therapist.

Yes, and the majority were either lying, or planning on being on the ‘winning’ side.

As a side note, the structure of BGs in earlier editions of wow meant that class balance became much more complicated; a class might be incredibly potent at end game but weak in say… the 20’s due to a lack of abilties, gear and/or talents while others might be nigh unstoppable.

Further, since BG’s didn’t award players with XP this meant that players who had the right resources and support could and would make “twinks”; effectively pocket ubers that had the best gear, talents possible for that bracket and would then just never level the character so as to maintain an unbeatable record and simply farm honor/tokens/tears.

Also, due to the inherent imbalance that existed within a bracket due to the split in levels, lower level players needed to get inventive with how to push the team towards victory; a discipline priest who is level 33 isn’t going to be able to hurt a level 39 warrior, but he can dispel all of his buffs, fear him, make it harder for him to kill other characters and make him walk off a cliff which might not kill him but it will take him out of the fight for an extended period of time.

I refer to this approach as “ankle biting”, wherein the goal isn’t to kill them so much as it is to inhibit them so much that another more capable character can.

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Haha. Right!

I should have thought it through better.

I love real PVP games like of the battle royale format where everyone starts out exactly even. It’s all down to the skill and smarts of the player. Now that’s fun.