Allow Purchase of Staff Quest Drops with New Dungeon Currency

I wasn’t even referring to your 25 man - you told us the group split early. That would just add more Embers/Cinders into the pot - meaning you’d again, be a lot farther then having 0 staffs.

Assuming your group kept raiding every week - minus the 3 weeks you say you took a break for - that would leave roughly 12 weeks of raids.

If you only killed 3 bosses (because you keep going back to that you guys didn’t finish the raids) and you only got 2 embers from each. That means over 4 weeks the first person would be done the Embers part (Faster since as you stated, they started on 25 man). If they then took the same amount of time to finish Cinders (highly unlikely as you would of been able to kill more and more bosses as the weeks went on) you’d be at 8 weeks - it takes roughly a full raid to do all the sucks + a Rag kill - that leaves you at 9 weeks. Meaning even with those 3 weeks, you’d be done your first staff. Now assuming you also had 25 mans going prior - the person who was the farthest on the staff would of been finishing. Or are you /rolling off all the embers/cinders as they drop instead of funneling to one person? But who does that.

So again, you’re group would of HAD to complete more staffs already, then the 0 you claim to have, assuming you’ve been raiding every week besides 3 weeks, like you stated.

Which is AGAIN irrelevant to the argument. Why are you against putting them on the vendor, if as you say, your group has struggled this much to finish staffs? You have ignored this question my last 3-4 posts, and instead, made your post about you. I want you to tell us why you’re against it, I don’t care about your weird lies on your groups progress on staffs.

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A month ago isn’t early

Come to think of it, why am I even arguing this? You’re looking at my logs. You can see the kills and their dates. You can compare them to the other people in the raid groups


Because legendaries should remain tied to the content that they’re relevant in, not handed out for free just because “oh that’s old content no one cares anymore”. There’s no point calling them legendaries otherwise. I told you this like 70 posts ago or something, yet you still think this is about me

I see a 5 month gap, which I already said implies you quit. You argued that and told us it was only 3 weeks. I can ONLY see the previous 3 weeks (I assume when you came back). The logs before that are for last Tier.

I didn’t you keep going back to it instead of answering my question.

You’d still have to do Firelands - you just wouldn’t run it for weeks to get the Cinders/Embers.

They wouldn’t be handed for free. You’d still have to do the quests for it - you’d still have to do the Nexus and Miniboss - You’d still have to clear the raid for the Essence sucks - you’d still have to clear the raid for Rag. You’d still have to run the dungeons (or the raid) to get the Embers/Cinders. Do you think collecting the Embers/Cinders on an old raid is engaging content? You’re just not gatekept by groups HRing the Embers/Cinders and having to go for multiple weeks to old content that’s now boring.

You keep making it about you and your groups 0 staffs. Which again, the catchup mechanic I’m suggesting would help.

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Then you aren’t switching difficulties/raid sizes

I told you it was maybe 3 weeks in total, you know, as an estimate, that the entire raid has missed due to unforeseen circumstances, not exactly 3 weeks and not in a row

I never told you to dig up my logs. I never told you to start making claims about my presence. I never told you to start making up nonsense about how many staves my guild has definitely finished and I’m just lying about them. You did that yourself

One single run does not a legendary make. If you want the staff you have to put in the time and dedication for it

These again would both imply you’d have more staffs done, instead of 0 with the first being done this week. Which is why I said you’re lying.

I know, you lied and didn’t think anyone would check.

No, you told us how your guilds only making their FIRST staff this UPCOMING Tuesday after telling us you’ve raided the MAJORITY of the phase. I called BS.

I have my staff, I’ve had it for weeks actually. And again, you’d still have to do content, you could just collect Embers/Cinders (which besides the suck and Rag kill are the ONLY parts that take part INSIDE the raid). You’d just be able to catchup (like you CAN with the OTHER Firelands gear from the VENDOR).

Again, this makes no sense why you’re against making it harder for not only you, but your group and anyone whose coming back to Dragon Soul after taking a break. It doesn’t bother me, I have my staff.

It’s not a gamebreaking change, it’s a QoL change.

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Well, I feel that I’ve given you the time of day long enough. You’re either a troll, or delusional. Either way, you aren’t going to get the help you seem to need from me. Literally just making crap up and then calling me a liar for pointing out the reality, lmao

This is comical. After getting called out with proof you’re lying, you now call me a troll. Look inward my dude. Stop trying to lie on the forums and push a gatekeeping narrative. It’s sad and weird.

The only one who needs help is the dude whose hardstuck on Firelands normal LOL

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My 10 man only runs 2 melee, I’m one of the 2. Technically 3 when the OT switches to DPS for Ryo.

I can also see it with how much Firelands kinda hates melee…intended or otherwise. I’ve been killed by Beth on pull for absolutely no reason, just being there. Twice-

Yeah same happened with my disc priest. Was a good laugh.

Ah yes, let’s gatekeep the staff that will become obsolete the day MoP drops.

I will never understand why people keep saying no to things that benefit everyone.

Especially when we consider WoW is a game A. GAME.

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No one is gatekeeping anything, Firelands will still be ran while Dragon Soul is out. The staff is why.

There’s even still ICC runs happening on my realm.


Everything has a limit, otherwise we reach a conclusion of “why bother farming for this when I can just buy it from the shop?”

Part of the prestige of a legendary is the investment it takes to get them. It’s not necessarily about difficulty, but time and commitment. Are you willing to commit yourself to this thing for several weeks? Then you’ve earned it

It’s not gatekeeping, rather it’s the opposite, by providing a reason to go back to the previous raid and keeping it relevant. Particularly important for T13 because no one is going to enjoy Dragon Soul by itself after a couple of months at best

No…go do firelands if u want staff.

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then they can make their own groups. Pull your big boy pants up and lead a raid. If you cant lead a piss easy normal firelands raid then do you really deserve the staff? Honestly the staff has become a welfare legendary anyways. It’s never meant anything. Everyone has it by now that has been raiding firelands. The only legendary that actually felt good getting was Val’anyr because of the length of time it took to get. Before they nerfed the time it took (which was roughly 5 months after Ulduar release.)

This update changed fragment drops (yogg 0 always dropping 3 fragments and yogg 1 dropping 2 up from 1 and a few other bosses guaranteeing fragments after update.) it took me 10 weeks to gather all of the fragments and build it. Sure along the road it stunk some weeks when I only got 2 fragments from the entire raid. But felt great when I would get 4 or 5. People complaining because they have to do a raid 3 times to obtain the staff is simply ridiculous. It just really shows how the game over time has continued to cater more to casuals, which removes any feeling of achievement.

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Again, I have my staff my dude. I don’t need to keep running - I was thinking about it for the health of the game. People who don’t have it at this point are either barely raiding, healers, alts, or just coming back. It would benefit them to be able to build it through the Vendor by getting the Embers/Cinders, as opposed to having to start forming a raid every week like a chore just to catchup. Raids would still form so people could complete their Quests, but why make it a chore at this point?

“I had to do the entire quest, so everyone should have to” - This is a form of gatekeeping. Thinking it has to be a chore just to obtain something, that’s almost needed at this point since everyone else has them, is just gatekeeping.

If everyone didn’t already have the staff it would be one thing - but when 25 man raids have all made ~12-14 at this point, it really does matter, it’s almost a requirement to even be on the DPS meter at that point when everyone else already has it.

Idk if you know this or not but EVERYONE gets a Legendary in MoP. You’re assuming legendary ONLY means “takes a long time to obtain” instead of “Legendary means powerful piece of gear”. It’s okay, other people are allowed to have things too.

If someone else being able to acquire something from the previous Tier at a reasonable catchup pace bothers you that much, that’s just you wanting to gatekeep.

I also have terrible news for you, the Legendary cape quest in MoP gets a catchup mechanic too.

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I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Its easier to get than just about any other weapon in Firelands. It was actually a bit silly how the staff was handled. Although I get it. People in classic are really really degen about loot.

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You’re doing an activity to get loot. It would be more of a chore to grind dungeons all day. you’d easily spend more time in game farming currency to get staff then going in a raid for a couple hours a week.

and yes i know that, i still have my original legendary cloak I used to use in timewalking dungeons for my twink set. Legendaries didnt mean anything after cataclysm anyways. Anyone could get them even the bottom feeders. Why even call it a legendary at that point. Just call it welfare gear.

The fact of the matter is, they already dramatically increased the acquisition rate of obtaining the staff, literally months. But people still complain it’s not easy enough. If it were up to me legendaries should have only ever been able to be created doing the hardest content. No one doing normal difficulty raids needs the staff.

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Catch up mechanics are not healthy. They actually do more harm than good. Players know they can leave the game skip the content and come back and get the loot easier and faster than before. This is actually worse for the game since players don’t stick around because they don’t have to.

Because that is part of the game. The staff is already a welfare legendary why make it even easier to obtain? If players want the legendary then they should go do the content. Blizzard doesnt have the Thunder furry 1/2’s or Wargalives or thoridal or Shadowmourne or Valynr frags on any vendor. Why should they start now?

This is called playing the game.

No not gate keeping again making players actually earn their legendary.

Well what is stopping players from getting the staff? Is the quest line being taken out? Are the items for the quest being taken out or drop rates being reduced? From the sounds of things a 30% Nerf to Firelands is making it easier. Not harder. But please tell us how players are not going to be able to obtain the legendary.

Actually alot of players do get Legendarys in MoP First you get a bunch of these Legendary items that drop off the bosses, then after you do the 1st part of the legendary quest line you get a sha touched gem for your weapon. This is all before you go to ToT and SoO. Just saying The only people who dont get a legendary are the players who dont do the quest line.

Right after a 30% nerf to the raid and your only able to run once a week. It will take what 3 hours to full clear the raid? each week vs spending the same amount of time each day farming heroics.

100% but they would call this “Gatekeeping”

Not everyone has time to run an entire raid every week. Doing a dungeon a day could eventually get them their staff. What would it hurt if its gonna take just as long?

Exactly so what does it matter if theres an additional way.

It’s not up to you though, which is why you don’t get to make the decision. You’re thinking about it from a personal point of view not a overall good for the game view.

No. They don’t they bring people back to the game. Hence why they add them.

Yes, that’s a good thing, bringing people back to the game.

They’re more likely to stick around if it’s not a dread to catch back up. Hence why they add ctatchup mechanics. Just because you don’t think they’re good, means nothing. This isn’t vanilla, it’s Cata.

You’d still have to do the content, you’d just be able to acquire the Embers/Cinders in another way.

They already started it by making it so EVERY caster that’s been playing at this point has had a chance to acquire it. In OG Cata you MIGHT have a few in your guild at this point, chances are maybe 1 or 2 if you were lucky.

Those are different games, with the amount of people who have staff already, it makes sense to have an easier time catching up, it’s almost going to be a requirement to have one to get into any decent Dragon soul.



The amount of groups that are only going to get the staff is going to make it HR in all of them, it’s going to be harder to get a staff. If you’re just coming back, you won’t even have a chance to get one with all the HR groups that will come.

HRing in all the groups, it being old content.

Yes, I know, hence why I said everyone gets one. Did you even read what I typed…?

Those aren’t the same. Plus only one person can be on each stage of the staff, it’s going to be HR across the board.

Most of whjat you have said is gatekeeping.

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