Allow full visage form

Please allow full use of abilities in visage form. Transmog is a thing for many of us.

Abilities that require dragon form should instead transform you briefly into that dragon during the use them transform back to visage form.

Rather than make an attempt to type everything out, I invite blizzard to please do a search on mmo champion forums, there is a discussion there that has many good suggestions. Read the post itself and the comments. Thread is called something along the lines and of visage form is a must.


How are you going to breathe fire out of your mouth as an elf? Oh, the same way that an elf mage would make fireballs out of thin air! Magic!


Did you read my post fully?

Because when you use “deep breath” ability you wouldn’t look silly as a visage jump into the air, flapping your arms like a chicken and breathing out fire that was 7 times wider than your human head

also what you’re suggesting already basically exists. from what i read you only pop into dragon form when you use certain abilities. They said a new version is coming in a future build that allows you to choose to remain in dracthyr form or visage form permanently except while doing certain things.


I did, and what I’m saying is we don’t need that. We could do the cool stuff in our visage forms too, this game is magic.

No need to be a dragon at any point imo. Chromie is gnomeform all the time and they’re the queen.


I want full frontal visage and I won’t take “No” for an answer.


I think this is a great idea, as long as - like you said - you still turned into the Dragon when it makes sense.


Umm my monk breaths fire and she’s an elf.


Have you checked the spells though? You’re spitting hot fire, clawing, flapping your wings, flying, and swiping your tail all the time. Visage is simply for RP. Dracthyr and Evoker are entwined, and there’s no way around this. If they were to cave and allow what you’re asking for, you wouldn’t be Dracthyr Evoker, you’d be some shaman, dk, mage hybrid with all the flavor sapped from it.

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BAM! We are good to go. Another good example of this not changing the game, visage form 24-7 I support it 100%


They already posted yesterday in a future build you will get an innate ability to choose to stay in either form whichever one you want even when doing things like mounting up. Except for when in combat doing certain things like soar or deep breath they require dragon form.

You guys are literally whining because you don’t know how to follow updates or read test forums or blue responses before you post randomly complaining.

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Maybe monks are dragons…? :face_with_monocle:


I said it in another thread, but it would be a visual yo-yo, because most spells transform you into the dragon. They’d need to rig animations for more of the abilities to be used in the visage for it not to be the graphical equivalent of playing peekaboo

I’d like it myself, but i just don’t see it happening. The only combat spells that don’t dragon you are Living Flame, Emerald Blossom, Landslide, and Firestorm (talent)

The chosen identity ability racial coming up is about as good as it will get, and it’s a pretty good compromise.

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And you apparently can’t read. >_>

OP wants to be able to stay in visage form during combat, transforming into Dracthyr form for certain abilities. Personally, I agree that that should be an option, especially given the lack of transmog.


They are adding a toggle’able “Two Forms” like ability that will automatically shift you back in Visage form upon leaving combat and/or after soaring.

Personally, I think it should be handled the same way Worgen is (and Worgen should be given this exact same toggle functionality to auto-shift back to Human form upon leaving combat), which is while in combat you are forced to be in Dracthyr form, and while out of combat you have the option to stay in Visage form. Just like how Worgen has to be in Worgen form during combat, but out of combat can stay in Human form.

What if we just delete the visage form all together.


Agreed. A whole lot of crying. Don’t like it just play a BELF firemage and put some wings on. Problem solved.


Can you imagine druid bears crying about having to tank in bear form cause they wanna see their mog while they tank.


I could have sworn Ion said in an interview that that was the plan, did that change?

Sorry, but it makes no sense for you to fly up into the air and breathe dragon breath from your human mouth with no wings.

No dragon breathes fire or flies fire attacks in mortal form.

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