Allow every race to be hunched over OR stand up tall

I want super lanky darkspear trolls towering over everyone

I want gnomes who basically become balls

I want taurens back broken so their faces are pointed upwards

I want dwarves just literally be mini orcs

You all want it, even if you don’t


Straight back orc kind of meh.

Wish they’d do more basic customization options for most races, like hair styles, colors, skin colors, fur patterns, etc. It’s kind of annoying how few options some races/sexes have.

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Lmao can’t wait to play a hunched goblin/gnome, even shorter.

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Don’t worry, once Gnomes invent PCs we will have this.

No to all of that

Just hunched over vulpera

bu-but… :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Its too late, you can feel your spine cracking unto itself

It will all be hunch

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I fall into this category.

Also, look at this upright orc that can’t even stand (or rather hunch) for what he believes in.

It’s actually a world-building decision designed with a very specific goal.

Alliance races stand upright because the Alliance is comprised of civilized and advanced nations.

Horde races are hunched over because the Horde is comprised of savage/primitive/war-like tribes.

Thrall was the ONLY orc who could stand upright because he was raised by a Human, so he took after their mannerism.

Your decision is bad, as it breaks the world-building of this game. Just like Silvermoon joining the Horde did.

Bro you live in a city where all the sewage is just pumped throughout the city

Not sure how civilized and advanced that is, just have little jimmy trip and all into the open sewage


Need an umbrella to walk through stormwind because of all of the waste raining from second story windows.

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Your decision is bad, as it breaks the world-building of this game. Just like Silvermoon joining the Horde did.

How did Silvermoon joining the Horde break the game’s world-building?

Thrall was the ONLY orc who could stand upright because he was raised by a Human, so he took after their mannerism.

Someone hasn’t played the RTS games.

Don’t mind him. All human male paladins have a natural disdain for the Horde and cannot control themselves. If I put you in a room with five of them, it would only take three seconds for one to call you a filthy savage that doesn’t have manners or culture. Listen, just yell “zug zug” at him so he can feel better and carry on.

A tall lanky troll sounds amazing, by the way.

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Gnomes with Forsaken posture please.

Mama mia, a standing-tall Tauren would not fit onto the armory page.

And a hunched-over Gnome would be little more than a soccer ball with eyes.

In 20 years of WoW, when at any point has there EVER been a “tall, lanky” Darkspear?

How is this any different from Zovaal the Jailer? Both come out of nowhere, with no previous build-up, random stuff that makes no sense. I thought we were over that?

They’re all tall and lanky and when the males do their stretch animation they are upright, tall, and lanky.

So, at every point in the 20 years of WoW there have been tall and lanky Darkspear.

I honestly feel like they’d just start screaming with tears slightly welling in their eyes as they try to start laughing over the fact the orc is reading a book as the HMP swings their head around trying to find someone else laughing

As the entire room just stares blankly at them

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I don’t know why you’re being so serious about someone asking for races to be able to stand upright. Usually, people scream about lore and player race, you know, like the Man’ari Eredar being given to us and their ability to still be paladins. But this is what bugs you? Posture? I mean, if it upsets you, it upsets you.

Good luck to you out there.

You gosh darn orcs. Who gave you books!

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Key point: When they “stretch”.

If the Darkspears could just be upright, what makes them different from Zandalari Trolls? Nothing.

Being hunched over is literally the only thing that the Darkspears have left that makes them unique from the Zandalari. :slight_smile: