Allow every race to be hunched over OR stand up tall

Yes, other than their entire physique being different, having separate and distinct racials, having largely different customization options, and having distinct models, it’s the only thing keeping them unique.


Yea but if you get rid of all those tiny insignificant things like that and make them stand up right, they’re the exact same thing!


Man I’m just not ignoring enough things to make his point for him. I need to work on that.

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Again, the Darkspear are literally “Jungle Trolls”. They are hunched over because they have been dwelling in the jungle all their lives. That makes them different from the upright Zandalari, who instead dwell in a city built atop a mountain plateau.

What you are asking for is unfeasible.

The first step in thinking like that is to stop thinking

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Done. I’m off to lick windows now. Byeeeee.

What you are asking for is unfeasible.

Ah Yes, because something’s unfeasible -just- because some person on the forums says so.

Well, that isn’t true, considering female Darkspear posture. Real life people also do not suffer from bent spines that live in the wild. It’s a design choice, really. That is all it is. You know what would have been cool as far as design choices go? The original female troll model. Very neat stuff. Regardless, you’re reading far too deep into spine status.

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Just so we’re clear, this is fake news. The Stormwind Sewage system empties into the nearby Mirror Lake, which then flows into the Nazferiti river. That’s the escape route of Saurfang and the Horde PC after fleeing the Stockades.

Furthermore, Stormwind is described as a “marvel of Human design and engineering”, with “beautiful” districts.

So, No, the Alliance Capital is actually the cleanest and most beautiful city on Azeroth. :sunglasses:

“We can’t have upright Darkspear, the hunch is the only thing that separates them from the Zandalari!”

My female troll: “Yeah that’d be uh… crazy”.


So, No, the Alliance Capital is actually the cleanest and most beautiful city on Azeroth. :sunglasses:

Fake News.

No i want murlocs…

What’s more believable? That the Devs just randomly decided to make Darkspears hunched? Or that the Devs actually had a design goal in mind?

Like it or not, the Darkspears being hunched does build-up their identity as a jungle people that lived in the outskirts of the Empire of Zul. A clear contrast to the more “kingly” and “royal” Zandalari.

The female Trolls are upright only because it’s a fantasy trope to make the male monsters all weird and strange, but the female monsters are just coloured humans. There are countless memes on this. Female orcs are upright too.

I mean, regardless of why the female trolls aren’t hunched it’s not much of an identity if half of them are running around without it.

Everybody knows the real Darkspear identity is that they regenerate 5 HP per second, and there’s nothing we can do about it.


Truly unstoppable

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Uhm, you know Zandalari have practically the same ability, Yes?

You know that’s an old meme, yes?

The point is that it’s hardly some big race identifying trait if half of them don’t even have it. What splits the Darkspear from the Zandalari is more than just “some of them are hunched over”.

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Unpopular opinion, I liked Prophet Zul’s hunched model of the Zandalari trolls more than the straight back Zandalari.

Gog I wish I could have a hat that big

It is a nice hat, indeed. And a nice set overall.