Allow Brewmaster to dodge spells

Brew needs buffs in M+. Paladin needed and received buffs and attention and are now doing great. On top of likely needing Armour and Health buffs, I’ve been trying to think of something somewhat unique to Brew that could improve the spec. Dodging Spells feels like the answer. It would improve our defence with the added side effect of making our Mastery more relevant/interesting.

Allowing 100% of our dodge to apply to spells could be too strong, so it could be a reduced rate or perhaps it doesn’t dodge 100% of the damage (scuffed spell block).

This isn’t meant to be instead of buffs to make us as viable as other tanks, this is specifically about making our Mastery more relevant/interesting. Yes, obviously we need buffs to our armor, health, and yes maybe buffs to stagger even if it’s only outside of raid.


Even if it’s a cd like warrior spell block I would be happy.

Bigger health pool to spread out stagger. More armor. And/or a small hot to breath of fire dot.


No stagger should work against spells


Stagger already works for spells, at a reduced rate


Not trying to be negative. But when was the last time brew got devs’ attention ?

We got nerfs when we were good

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Dodge is too unpredictable for it to be used vs spells which are often tank busters.

Stagger is the right choice and it is uniquely monk.

If stagger isn’t doing it’s job vs spells then it just needs to be buffed vs spells.

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Stagger needs buffs.
Celestial brew needs buffs.
Self Healing (expel harm) needs buffs.

Thats it.


Sure, this isn’t meant to be the only buff/change we receive. It’s a suggestion to improve our mastery in a way that would benefit us defensively. We still need other buffs to go along with it.

The “Thats it” is really funny. Just a genuinely baffling response. These are all obvious and I along with many others have posted them 1000 times.

Alright, what do you want me to say then? The idea of dodging abilities is bad. Instead, Stagger should be buffed to withstand a bit more magic damage. That would make much more sense.

Nothing, preferably.

Buffing stagger is obvious, Blizzard hasn’t done it and historically is very hesitant to buff it. Our Mastery isn’t great. Aside from changing it, which would be a lot of work that Blizzard doesn’t seem to want to do, I am suggesting an alternative.

If you have something substantive to add, I’d love to hear it.

There’s nothing more to add or even alternatives. What else do you want me to add or alternatives? This is exactly what the specialization kit is. If Blizzard is hesitant to buff Stagger, it means they’re being incompetent. All it takes is a few statistical calculations, like a linear regression, to see how each input of damage taken affects Stagger usage and then test it on the PTR And if necessary, add some extras within the ability itself, based on the tests. Dota 2 does exactly that to balance its characters. Or is it that a MMORPG is harder to balance than a MOBA? Cuz’ MMORPG you always face the same scenarios. The adds in Grim Batol are always the same, if you know what I mean HAHAHA.

What else do you want? Do you want me to suggest new abilities As an alternative?? Hahaha.

Like I said, if you have nothing to add then, nothing. I don’t want anything from you.

Okay, I get it. I think we should change things up and add Ironfur to Brew. I also believe that the amount of Ironfur we generate should be based on our mastery. What do you think?

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I think more armour is a step in the right direction. Having to press another ability every second would get old fast but I’d still appreciate having a stacking armour buff that makes my Mastery more relevant.

Well, you should have said that right away. How about changing leather armor to plate? Then we’d have more armor!!!

What a great idea. But to avoid having another ability that would unbalance the game since we would have a mechanic for increasing armor in addition to the Purifying Brews, why not change Purifying Brew to Iron Brew and thus add more armor to ourselves instead of stagger mechanics?

See? What you want are silly things. Just fix what’s broken without creating new problems like new things. Brew in Season 4 was already great. There was no need for the damage nerfs because equinox twitter print or TWW selfhealing changes on Brew. It wasn’t meta, but it was a very competitive tank.

We have a passive that gives us more armour, they could just buff that.

I do not. I still want to dodge spells and I also want sweeping changes to our spec tree as well. Have a good one, I’m going to stop replying.

Sort of disagree here. I really enjoyed balancing iron skin and purifying of the past. Wasn’t armor but it gave us actual active mitigation that wasn’t a shield.

Just one voice of many

I hope you work for blizzard one day.

In my opinion, buffing stagger vs spells, nd increasing base armour by a fair value would be the proper direction. Just increase mitigation period, no trade offs. Then increase expel harm healing , perhaps to even scale reliably with recent stagger amounts to add a reactive gameplay mechanic that rewards well timed use. (Again without nerfing or trading cd time)

And unrelated to BrM , WW monk pve isn’t fairing very good competitively either. Monk as a class needs more TLC . I wonder how many more reworks paladin will get before we see attention aside from a icon rework or something lol.

Edit: I wanted to add , seeing as how BrM can be a raid tank pick but historically not a good m+ pick . I think a new base passive would really benefit the class, “calm in the storm” or “Insert witty name here”

Where armour and /or stagger goes up by x% per nearby mob maxing out at xx% value at 5+ mobs.

This would mitigate some of BrM woes imo in the different environments.