Don’t take it personally, but im not liking your estimates. I only heard one Ally claim the won a AV in the last month and they said it was in the middle of the night. It was probably 5 allies and 35 afk bots vs 40 afks bots.
You are replying to me, but I can guarantee you I have never used words like “scrub” or phrases like “git gud”.
If so many Horde are level 51 and fishing…surely Alliance can beat that if they tried…things would come to an equilibrium.
The biggest difference I see between the factions currently is attitude. One leads to wins the other to loses.
So the statement “Allies are Dumb” is not slander? Go back to your planet man.
I don’t take it personally. But I can’t reliably say that winrates are 99% simply because one guy went 1 and 135 or whatever it was. So I provided what I thought as a reasonable range.
Also, I’ve personally won more than 99%, because I won once and haven’t played 100 games yet.
He JUST spelled out the difference between slander and libel to you…
So the statement “Allies are Dumb” is not slander?
My response was actually tongue-in-cheek, but I’ll be damned if the point didn’t soar over your head by a good couple meters.
I’ll requote my response for clarity.
Slander applies to verbal defamation, and libel to written (or some other tangible medium).
Since we’re on a forum, slander does not apply here
Yeah, people tend not to read the fine print.
the 90% is what i was questioning. yeah id say it is about 99%. 1 in 100 is a big difference from 1 in 10. i can tell you personally that 1:10 ius definately not what is happening here.
Honestly we got nothing to lose on alliance side. I for one will stop bging as of 2/18/2020. On a side note quit acknowledging the horde trolls.
Slander applies to verbal defamation, and libel to written (or some other tangible medium).
Since we’re on a forum, slander does not apply here
No I saw your response perfectly, but you just think that you so suave that you casn type falsity and someone will buy it. We are having a conversation here. Typed or not this is a conversation. this isnt a Novel. Its slander.
I’m sorry to imply that you personally were saying “git gud”. I’m just using the common terms of the forums.
What I was suggesting is that attitude problems are also systemic, and often reactions to other imbalances (faction-stacking, perceived map problems, etc). I agree that Alliance have an attitude problem, but we can’t just magically fix that unless we change other variables, Unless someone takes Kandlejack’s solution. Or we just, you know, wait a bit and see what happens.
I don’t doubt it. 99% could very well be the actual number. It’s just safer to use a range so people don’t use a bunch of anecdote to counter it. 90% is still an absurdly low winrate when our faction has paladins (although shamans might be better for pug play).
No…stop whining.
Go back to your horde alt.
Ya ok OP, good luck with that- first of all, few people bother with the forums so nobody knows about your boycott. Secondly, half the people in AV are hoping to get their rep for pve gear, and want it done asap.
And anyone who actually is ranking knows they can’t miss a day or it’ll cost them a week.
Not that planned boycotts ever work. The reason previous ones did was-
a) there were alternative BGs you could pug in, right now nobody’s dumb enough to pug WSG
b) after Vanilla, not pvping for a while really meant nothing, the better gear was in arena anyway, and there was no penalty for missing a week
c) the boycott just ended up happening, and it likely will occur but it’s not going to be alliance getting together to decide for one day to stop doing AV- it’s going to be alliance just dropping out of AV bit by bit, permanently as they grow tired of it
Also, generally a boycott is meant to accomplish something. The only thing a boycott can really do here is increase Horde queues. We already saw from the horde crying that Blizz is only going to respond to problems horde whines about.
I want this to happen just because I want to hear about confused horde when there are only afkers and low kevels in the harpy cave. Would be hilarious.
Ya ok OP, good luck with that- first of all, few people bother with the forums so nobody knows about your boycott. Secondly, half the people in AV are hoping to get their rep for pve gear, and want it done asap.
SO spread the word in your local channels. People are frustrated and they will participate.
I dont want to ditract too much from thread, but not every server has an active WSG premade population. Not to mention that premades arent friendly to new PVPers and most fo the premades on the horde side are now 50%+ warlords and generals. Seeing quite a few high warlords this week.
The purpose is to garner support for balance changes. Which is clearly defined in the OP. I see no other way to get this done without essentially breaking all PVP until the majority of the population concedes to working together to create a fair game.
Woah, I didn’t realize my offhand joke of a comment would actually reveal such ironic gold!
Lot to unpack here so let’s dive right in:
you just think that you so suave that you casn type falsity and someone will buy it
First, I’m flattered that you think I’m suave—but if by “falsity” you mean I’m providing the actual literal definitions of the English words “libel” and “slander”, and the very much objective-and-not-up-for-debate distinction between the two, then yes, I suppose I’m typing falsities.
Typed or not this is a conversation.
this isnt a Novel.
Its slander.
Aww jeeze you were on a roll there for a hot second bud, tripped up on the home stretch.
No I saw your response perfectly
Based on your reply, I might suggest, that in this case at least, “seeing” and “comprehending” are two very distinctive concepts indeed (almost like “libel” versus “slander”).
Cheers mate!
I didnt even read this…its just trolling now. Want to post the definition for that one too?
Probably wasted attempt but, to simplify,
Slander: spoken language out-loud insult
Libel: typed or written language insult
Kinda like the difference between “I heard that” and “I read that”.