Allied Race: Lordaeronians

Problem is, the majority of the lore says the mass of the kingdom died to the Scourgin and the majority of Lordaeron are undead. The Forsaken stayed behind, the living fled.

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At this point, I’m surprised if a Horde NPC is prominent in anything except zugzugaxe. Legion Class Halls were so hilariously one-sided in representation. Then they followed that up with… wait for it… killing off or exiling three more Horde icons.

That’s probably a pretty good indictment of the quality of character writing that the faction with no one left is the most popular by a huge margin lol.

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It’s an indictment on how clueless blizz is about what most alliance players want. And it’s not lordaeron. We want the races besides the humans to get some actual screen time :wolf:

Don’t let Zerde fool you. Most people don’t actually give a damn about lordaeron. It’s a dead kingdom that hasn’t been relevant to the alliance since it’s brief appearance in WC 3

But that’s just me :smile:


Some content updates to groups aside from humans, and Stormwind would be nice and is way over due. Can we please get updates to Gilneas and more?


Yes! It’s about time we got a update on gilneas. I just want blizz to officially tell us, once and for all what Gilneas’ fate is.

It was and does remain the coolest looking capital they put in game. It’s a shame it’s so underutilized :wolf:


What, when they promised werewolves you didn’t expect it to turn into some kind of turbotragedy-hobo story of just being bombed out of one home after another?


I guess when blizz announced the worgen, aka werewolves in WoW. Making them actual werewolves was asking for too much.

Much like how forsaken players didn’t ask for what they got in BfA, we didn’t ask to play hobo humans with a hairy skin condition :wolf:

Of the various Capital cities, Stormwind has gotten the most attention by far. There are a lot of factional capitals that are 10+ years over due for some updates. The state of Gilneas in lore is …just…can we please get an update?!


Personally I think Blizzard should double down and have the Forsaken declare their country Lordaeron.


It’s fated to be left aside as a failed attempt at building a new 40 man battlefront.

Humanoid races tend to have better armor that better form fits them.
All the beast races just have such bizzare proportions, with shoulder pads being the size of coffee tables and helmets that resembles a crushed can.

It is one reason I don’t get in to playing Alliance, much. Everyone feels a bit similar. Size changes put colors are similar. Fleshy, Blueish.

The Horde is a motley crew. Fleshy skin colors but also greens and blacks and reds. Horns, tusks, tails all over the place. Rotting Undead. Elegant Elves. It feels more diverse.

I am looking forward to the Cross Faction Raiding. I think I will play my Alliance Monk more, because I can raid with Horde and Alliance folk, and that issue of sameness will diminish a bit.

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The Horde is one to talk. If the blood elves and nightborne were removed today 50% of your population would disappear.

Oh, please, even storywise Lordearon is still important to the Alliance that the Eastern Kingdom’s book had a decent focus on finding Terenas’ crown which wouldn’t you know it happens to be in Stormwind. Not to mention Shaw’s meloncolic response about wanting to see Tirisfal filed with life again and green(naturally green) grass.

Hell, even Genn goes out of his way back Battle for Lordearon about how he wants the Alliance flags to fly up again in Lordearon.


Still doesn’t change the fact that most alliance players don’t want Lordaeron. Most want relevant stories for the current playable races. What we DON’T need is another boring, flavorless human kingdoms dominating the narrative.

It’s meaningless anyway, as of 9.2.5 it looks like the forsaken are going to begin reclaiming most of their lost lands. :wolf:


Where is your proof people don’t want Lordearon? Stop staying in your echo chamber. There has always a good chunk of people that have wanted it.

And Turalyon is talking about taking back old Alliance holding. Sounds to me like the seeds of the next faction war.


The whole 5 people who want it doesn’t count as a lot of people.

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Uh-huh, sounds like your echo chamber is 10 foot thick to me.

There is a reason we have had two scenarios specifically dealing with the Alliance trying to take back the Undercity.


If I had one you mean.

You do and the echoes must be deafening in there.