Allied Race "Leak": Could it be Sethrak?

I disagree on this one.

The thing is, I feel the Drakthyr humanoid form should be any race players choose it to be, not just Thalassian Male and Human Female. If people want to play a dragon that chooses to be an Orc, or a Troll, or even a Forsaken, then they should be able to do that freely.

But, that’s my two cents.


I just want to add there was a massive event where people paraded for them on Moon Guard, and there’s still a presence for them on the server in general through toys.
There’s a lot of things that are highly wanted in game but don’t have a massive presence on the forums for various reasons. People question why Void Elves got the Darkfallen skins for example, but, one look around Stormwind on the RP server at night showed there was a demand for San’layn in particular.

If we are getting a new “allied race” though, it’d either need to come in a pair, or it’s another neutral race, which doesn’t really help game balance right now, and seems redundant with the new shiny big race being neutral as well.

Sethrak / Gilgoblins would be my guess, since it honestly feels both were scrapped in BFA.


I can only speak for myself. At least until the device is ready…

I´D LOOOOVEEEE to see any of my dwarf ladies become a vampire :heart:. It will never happen, but a man can dream.

You do understand that Blizzard created the Alliance that way, right?

well theoretically, following the concept, they are necromancers. dks are a type of necromancer and you as a dwarf can be a dk so why not a sanlayn. the concept is similar, though i suggest handling it like warlocks are distributed (not every race but most), rather than like dks (everybody)

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I want a murloc shaman alliance

lawful good. …with the foray into chaos, occassionally.

i think neutral is the best route, as we are no longer splitting factional hairs. unless you think there’s any possible route to save the alliance.

I could absolutely get behind neutral San’layn Necromancers. I suppose the real question there is how Blizzard could justify a San’layn faction opting to join mortal factions on Azeroth. If we can figure out a why that makes sense, I don’t see what reservations Blizzard could have about this idea.

hunting grounds? food on the opposing faction lol who knows. i mean we’ve been picking them off. logically, form more alliances and the menu grows instead.

p.s. san’layn, not revendreth.

Only if they’re retconned to be legless like the snakes in xcom

Just give me Tuskarr. I want to be a walrus.



I think the Horde’s generally always going to be more popular, you don’t undo 15+ years of fanservice and issues, but we can certainly increase morale and hype for the Alliance and bring the numbers a bit closer. It’s an RPG - it’s never going to be perfectly balanced, it’s impossible to do so because niches are going to exist, but both sides deserve cool stuff to be excited about, and the lopsided issue with the AR’s should be fixed in time.

Faction based race pairings that can aid the issue include:

Arrakoa / Mok’nathal
Jinyu (Ankonan) / Gilgoblins

And, as a potential core race set,
Naga / Ogres

The Alliance has always had potential for less “boring” races, and better aesthetic diversity, but they sort of screwed things up by not listening to the “too many humans” feedback that’s been given for years, and doubled down on it with KT’s and Mechagnomes.

People forget this is the faction conflict IP; Horde vs Alliance is very crucial to the franchise, and even in side games where it isn’t a focus, it still comes up. They’re still going to be playing with factions, we’re just likely never going to have another BFA.
(They also were just hiring for more PvP content, and wPvP / BG stuff is in demand right now and fell behind.)

Also, as an aside, the San’layn thing was pretty much ended with the Darkfallen skins and the Sylvanas novel. The Blood Princes have custom models that use the Night Elf rig, but when we can already make vampire characters on a race that’s main focus is shadow magic, it’s sort of there already as a subrace.
They’re picky about customizations, and Danuser has said anything they put in has purpose, so take that as you will.




they look amazing.
my concept for san’layn was to tie them to a single class, like drac are doing but in this case, necromancer, with vampire like abilities rolled in. flavor. also taking advantage of expanded darkfallen customizations *( meaning they would have a wide swath of undead/vamp customizations, including claws, fangs, etc, that non san’layn wouldnt have.

Multiple races have been shown to use necromancy though through the years, with the most recent being void elves. I don’t think orc, void elf, human, forsaken, ect players, would be happy with one of the most requested class concepts being locked to an undead elf.

The concept would work better as a general class, or as a fourth spec for DKs as a potential ranged plate spec.

I’d also like to add the general concept of “vampires” is available to every race in the game through Blood DKs.

It’s going to be the Tuskarr.

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i didnt have it locked to elfs. i said nightborne, belfs, forsaken, orcs, goblins, nelfs, velfs, dwarfs, humans and gnomes. yes our very own gnomeferatu. hehe

heres an overview

divide gilneas - half werewolf (in housing areas), half vampire (in the graveyard areas). new neutral allied race: san’layn - the vampire half is homebase for alliance san’layn. a horde san’layn vampire area added to lordaeron (sepulcher?). san’layn intros new class - necromancer. races - san’layn can be nightborne, orc, belf, goblin, forsaken, nelf, velf, human, dwarf or gnome. claws/darkfallen customizations