Allied Race Idea: Arakkoa šŸ¦

Both of course

If only one Iā€™d have to say high because theyā€™re more likely just due to posture and the Zandalari moonkin form using those animations

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I always imagine the cursed going Alliance and the High going Hordeā€¦ Not really sure why. Canā€™t think of a good reason lore wise. Lol

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The cursed arakkoa would probably make good friends with the void elves due to shadow magic.

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Aye that I can see!

Could see them showing the Void Elves how they walk in the shadows compared to the void portals.

As for the high arakkoa being horde side, maybe they will find friendship with the blood elves for their similarities in worshipping and wielding the sun. Recall the Sinā€™dorei quote ā€œThe eternal sun guides usā€. Although they may be referring to the Naaru and the Light, we see arakkoa wielding light magic as well. And they are both regal races.

I think these reasons why they should be on these sides make the most sense, though i can only feel guilty that horde would once again get what might be considered the cooler race.

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They could flip it.

Use the Cursed to give the Horde a Void race and the High can be a much more high and regal group of casters?

I donā€™t knowā€¦ The high Arrokoa fit Alliance themes of light use and regality a little much I think.

I suppose so. They could instead just make the cursed and high arakkoa one race for one faction and players can choose to be high or low. And give the other faction another race. What else are people asking for? I see a decent amount of ogres for horde and Sethrak for alliance requests. Iā€™m supporting Sethrak personally so thereā€™s always the option to just pair arakkoa with another allied race and keep the two kinds of arakkoa in one.

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I donā€™t want Arakkoa because I donā€™t think I can stomach watching players try to spell it all day.

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Like how people do with the draenei?


I would go with Sethrak in a heartbeat even if I actually want em for Alliance.

Any side for Sethrak for me works. Lol.

Arrakoa and Ogres sounds really good now you mention though. Theyā€™re from the same world even.

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Exactly, though i dont find having playable ogres appealing at all but thatā€™s what people want. Maybe iā€™d make a mage?

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I think this is the standard created for the alliance, after junkgnomes, purple blood elves and obese humans.

Always the least desirable but who cares? Just give the horde high arakkoas and Iā€™ll play one in the horde. The alliance can rot with the usual leftovers.

Would be real nice to have a fully playable Arakkoa tbh (either side), (even though Zandalari Moonkin use an altered version), would give me a good excuse to bust out some Chozo names.

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i would love a bird race

imagine the racial abilities


I would delete all my characters on my 2nd account just to make a bird only account lmao. Draenor Arakkoa look so pretty

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The arakkoa are very pretty. every time i visit draenor i look at my moonkin form and see how much more majestic they are than i am. Iā€™m jealous!

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Blizz should make an Arakkoa glyph for moonkins honestly, could have the colors change depending on what race is applying it.


I would love that with the return of a saberon glyph. Just go full on draenor druid. Having an arakkoa moonkin glyph would be the easiest and laziest way of giving us arakkoa. And honestly I would be perfectly fine if that were the case as I really do not want to change from druid if the actual race implementation do not end up having druids.

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That Saberon was short-lived, Iā€™d love to see that too! Thereā€™s a neat bunch of stuff druids could use for glyph forms tbh. Could have a Botani glyph for the Treant form as well.