Allied Race: Dragonmaw Orcs

Valid point

Yep - if we ever revisit Bolvar up there, I’d hope we make it official with the Frost Dwarves and Taunka.

Oh right, Frost Dwarves were a thing.

Apples to oranges, though.

The tried and true Cenarion Druids call upon the power of the Emerald Dream to transform. The Worgen curse stems from the Emerald Dream - in fact, it was a more dangerous Druidic form, originally.
The Dinomancers gain their power from the Loa, whom are classified as lesser Wild Gods. Wild Gods are those beings of power from… the Emerald Dream.

The entire identity of the Druid class stems from harnessing the power of the Emerald Dream to use nature magic and transform into wild animals. The magic used by the servants of Dragons to transform into ascendants or other dragon-like creatures is far more permanent, and their power does not originate from the Emerald Dream - if anything, it would have more in common with the Arcane.

So, you make a good argument but I stand by what I said - Dragonmaw Orcs should not be able to play as Druids.

Blood Knights were Paladins by technicality. Sunwalkers are Paladins by technicality. Zandalari are both Druids and Paladins by technicality. Wicker magic is Druidic by technicality.

So too would it be for Dragonmaw “Druids.”

That being said, in lieu of that, I’d happily take on an entirely new Dragonsworn class. Hunters that tame dragons take the draconic concept only so far.

Well Ysera was pretty much the head of the Emerald Dream before her demise so you could argue that lingering draconic energies remain within the dream for Dragonmaw Druids to access.

I might be grasping at straws though.

Much like Sunwalkers, I wouldn’t attach them to their class’s namesake’s iconic source of power. They’d be Druids in mechanics only. But again, a bit of a niggling detail.

Also, it’s speculated that Rala Wildheart (if I recall the name) was an Orcish Druid. Many were thinking she was a hint of options to be forthcoming.

Sunwalkers are not Druids. They’re Paladins.

This looks really familiar did you repost this from the Old Forums Keldar? i remember posting suggestions and support for it as a post BfA option since they’re mysteriously missing atm.

Guilty as charged. There’s a couple ideas I tend to float every year or so. :smiley:

Glad to see its back up on the new forums, it was too good to leave to the dusty old ones.

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I should get around to making the same case for Wildhammer. I’m hoping the allusion to Wrathion and the Dragon Isles in the latest patch is more than an Easter egg. Another draconic expansion with the current mode of cinematic storytelling would be awesome.

as much as I want “new” races instead of adding in different sub races I believe that first and foremost that the allied race system should be used to add in the actual races and groups that are already allied with the factions but not playable currently. Dragonmaw orcs would fit under this. Ogres would too actually. Though tbh I would prefer gorian empire ogres over the cave monkeys we have on azeroth.

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Adding Dragonmaw as a Allied Race over Mag’har is missed opportunity. Blizz decided to get cute with a few of the choices and missed out on ones that make sense. Hopefully they rectify this mistake and others with future Allied Races.

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I approve so long as Wildhammer come for Alliance or High Elves!


we need both! broken, high elves, and wildhammer for alliance and dragonmaw, ogres, and forest trolls for horde!


Yes!l the more the merrier!

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Long story short, if it was playable in the RTS, it should be playable in WoW. It’s criminal that no permutation of ogres are playable given their history in the franchise. All because certain artists were too scared to implement a female that wasn’t just a “hot cosplay human” version of the males like every other race.

Honestly with all the variations coming out for races, it should just be a template. For example:

I select “Tauren” in character creation, and it expands to include all sub races for Tauren. So if you were to click on an orc, you could choose which type… etc etc.

Then we can avoid all this allied race nonsense in character creation. If you haven’t “recruited” the race then it would be grayed out as usual. However I think most of the recruitment have been a half baked attempt at gating a largely cosmetic addition to the game and is kind of ridiculous.



personally I believe they should do away with the idea of an unique ogre female model. Just say males and females look the same and instead of male/female have it be 1 head/ 2 heads.

But if they really do feel the need for a female model they have a good base using the blood troll matriarch.

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