Allied Race: Dragonmaw Orcs

I just dont see the Orcs as being harmonious with nature. ESPECIALLY the dragonmaw clan who was one of the more brutal clans and also ENSLAVED dragons. Orcs cut down forests, burn villages, etc.

Being one with the elements is a different story all together (shaman).

Not saying Dragonmaw shouldn’t happen but druids definitely should not. If anything we should have Dragonmaw skins under regular orcs.

Blood Knights weren’t exactly in harmony with the Light at the outset, but they were categorized as Paladins for mechanical purposes. Just as Orcs who fully immerse themselves in draconic power might be categorized as Druids for mechanical purposes.

There were High Elf Priests and Paladins before they were forced to become Blood Elves. The paladins merely took a different route instead of leeching fel magic they switched drew power from the light.

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Don’t forget the Drust taught Kul’Tiran Druids. Wicker magic!

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I wanted Wildhammer and Dragonmaw playable for years before allied races were thought of because of the events that happened in Twilight Highlands.

Wildhammer is still a possibility but I doubt for Dragonmaw :frowning_face:.

I dunno, we got Dark Irons, so adding a second Orc clan along side Wildhammer Dwarves could work.

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I really hope they do it. I want both of our allies from the Twilight Highlands.

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The Dragonmaw were still represented at a gathering of Horde leaders during Legion. Gorfax seems to have filled the void in leadership after Zaela’s illlogical heel turn.

I love me some Dragonmaw, but I feel like you can make your own Dragonmaw charater with the plethora of skins available that come with the Mag’har Orcs. I’d say save the Allied Race option for something a bit more unique

You can’t, though. Not physically or culturally.

What makes a Dragonmaw Orc physically different from all the other Orcs? Honestly the Frostwolf skin could be used as a good substitute for their look. Or go normal Orc if they were fel corrupted back in Outland.

Fly over to the Twilight Highlands to see. A little more polish would make them even more unique. Dark Iron Dwarves were much less distinct from the baseline than the Dragonmaw until they had their Allied Race makeover.

I feel its safe to say we can agree to disagree. Where as yes I do find Dragonmaw a very fun clan of Orcs I dont feel we need a third option of Orcs solely for just one individual clan when there are numerous other potential Allied races in the wing that could be brought to light.

Dragonmaw did join back in Cata. I’m guessing they left with Garrosh but it’s never been indicated.

Speaking of absent members of the Horde. The damn Taunka joined in Wrath and we haven’t seen them on the field since.

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Actually they are in Shadow Moon on Out Land.

Dragonmaw Fortress is right next to the Black Temple.

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Read the OP. Gorfax represented the Dragonmaw Clan during Legion.

This is true, those sexy fiery beards.

OH that’s right, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the Taunka since Wrath. We really ought to bring them into the fold of Allied Races. A much more savage Tauren.

Or the ones from MoP of you’re going for savage.

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Well we’re kind of already allied with the Taunka, it’s just a case of making official. Plus I don’t think the Yaungol would give anyone the time of day much less ally themselves with anyone.