Allied Race: Dragonmaw Orcs

That’s an option. But I’m also a huge fan of the little blips of lore, flavourful racials, and the unique cosmetics. If it came down to it, I’d much prefer simply overloading us with creation options, even if it came at the cost of the pomp and circumstance surrounding the introduction of an Allied Race.

Agreed. You could keep all of that intact with the menu change as well.

IE: Clicks on human in creation screen
Sub race panel opens

Ooh Kul’tiran. That looks awesome. Says here they’re unlocked by aiding the proudmoore admiralty in Kul’tiras. Guess that’s where I’m headed!

The issue I foresee is Blizzard’s reluctance to equate Allied Races with the former oft-requested subraces. They want to keep their options open in case different species use the same model, like Vulpera and Goblins, for example. It might also get messy with keeping factions clear.

I’d rather they just add the skin/eye color and tattoo combination to either mag’har or regular orcs.

True, but that can be worked around. And let’s be honest the character creation screen has needed love for a LONG time. Same with customization in general.

Imagine if you chose a faction and all the races rolled out in front of you. That would look eloquent. We don’t need every race in the game in decade old icons sitting mashed together in one screen.

How does that make any sense?

The Dragonmaw Orcs are the scant few who were never conquered, continuing the conflict of the Second War unabated to this day.

The Mag’har are from the alternate universe that apparently didn’t even have a Dragonmaw Clan of their own.

Adding Dragonmaw to the Mag’har options doesn’t make any sense.

Blizzard doesn’t care about lore. This is why I said regular orc as well, calm down pumpkin.

Yet another dwarf race? Yet another Orc race? How about some actual content instead of more races designed to get the player to play through the same content they’ve already played through a dozen times?

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Those design goals aren’t mutually exclusive.

how about you go play a different game. If you want new races go play another mmorpg. We want the races that are already established but not playable yet.

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if we get another orc race, i really hope its mok’nathal. please.

Cause of Sleep, it being my Birthday AND my date stood me up i missed most of this, for Ogre Females there is now 2 models as of BfA that support them, Female Kul Tirans (or even the Male) AND dun dun dun Female Blood Troll Warmatrons! literally look like a fat female Ogre to me i even put my Kovok costume on and it looked really similar.

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Honestly, I’d prefer that Blizzard goes even more extreme with Ogre females. Taller, bulkier, more monstrous than the males. Break the “let’s make the females hot, human cosplay versions of the males”-trend that has plagued every other race.

Trust me those Warmatrons are horrifying just change the Troll face and fingers/toes to Ogre and you got a bloody monster of a wife.

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I’ll take care them as opposed to nothing. I’d love for a female option that has as much personality and exuberant design as the males.

When i imagined personality i imagined the cartoon cave woman hitting the man on the head with a club saying ‘he mine, you no take, fight me’ that sort of thing lol.

And i really wanna see that hahaha xP.

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I’ll take it! Look at most any make and note their exaggerated proportions. Their expressiveness. Their unique flair.

Now look at the females. As such of that flair as possible chiseled away to create a much more human frame, skewing toward generic human standards of beauty.

It makes sense for humans. Maybe Elves, too. But it’s boring when universally applied.