The best that can be said of Greymane fight against the evil leader of the horde, is that Genn was treating the interests of Gilneas while Syl, was in your personal quest for immortality, rather than lead the horde, to fight against the legion
I’m sorry you cling desperately to it, in an attempt of useless to blame on the victim which has reasons to do justice
Even after Siege of Orgrimmar, there was no Treaty of peace
Alliance and Horde a “truce” in Ashram, which was short-lived and not really started a war after the end of WOD
we had was a “truce” , which was abandoned after the apparent betrayal of Syl in Broken Shore
Just stop using your character from the alliance and talk using your main horde
You use that character of the Alliance, does not make his words sound real
If there was a peace treaty, broken by Greymane, when he prevented Sylvannus to consummate her Pact with Helya and enslave the leader of Valkyr, why she agreed to meet Anduin for the realization of meeting between people who had relatives among the Alliance and the Forsaken?
The same Genn who beat Syl, was in the collective meeting!
The meeting occurs after the end of Legion.
Anduin speak in a mail, sent to Lich Queen, though they are not at peace with the Alliance, they also are not at war
If there was a peace treaty between ally and horde, broken by Genn, she had no reason to meet a request by the leader of the faction that betrayed this supposed peace treaty
She just remembered this later? That convenience
Peace treaties also negotiate compensation agreements for damages and returns the occupied territories
The Alliance paid off the horde for something?
The horde returned some territory the Alliance?
Gilneas? Arathi? No!
Syl started this mess, because until then, there was no reason to start this war, for something that occurred in Broken Shore
Syl started this war, for power that the azerite could give her
What Genn did, occurs from Broken Front and Wrath Gate!
Both culminated in the attack on Undiecity, by Varian but still not resulted in open war between the Alliance and the horde
The wars between factions, occur for territorial expansion the Horde and Alliance
Never for fighting isolated troops
Just to remember
Sylvannas started war