Alliance, Who are you?

Remember the night elves. And they are not very happy with the Alliance.


And remember that have no real cause to be so unhappy.

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In addition to a small huge loss of population, a piece of territory, serious pollution of the land and the lack of serious assistance.
Yes, no reason to be upset.
You just need to leave the Alliance.


None of which is the fault of the Alliance. So no, absolutely no reason for their MISPLACED anger.

Yes, the Alliance is innocent. But because of him, the night elves are constantly in trouble.

My problem with the Alliance is that it hasn’t had any teeth since WotLk. We went from:

“Through the valleys and peaks of mount Hyjal, Across the shifting sands of Silithus, Against the Legion’s dread armies- we have fought. We are the nameless, faceless, sons and daughters of the Alliance, The first strike belongs to us And the last strike is all that our enemies see. We are the 7th legion.”


King Varian Wrynn says: Easy, son. We’re fighting a different war now. This isn’t about hatred of the Horde. This is about a love of what’s right. About doing what needs to be done.

Anduin Wrynn says: This land is - different than ours. It’s a treasure.

King Varian Wrynn says: Then we’ll protect it with our lives. Son, I need you with me on this. We in this together?”

In the middle of an existential war with the Horde, Anduin thinks that pressing a strategic advantage would make the Alliance “just as bad as Sylvanas”.

In short, the Alliance is being written like a Saturday morning cartoon good guy. Or some YA hero.

I would, as a general principle, like to see the Alliance get some edge in dealing with its enemies. And lose the ridiculous YA dialogue.

I would like to see each race get stories and development of their own.

With respect to the Horde, no reparations, retribution or anything of that nature. It’s pointless and toxic and Blizzard would screw it up if they tried.

Instead, I don’t want to see them or hear about them. Alliance territory should be kill on sight for members of the Horde (Not practical for gameplay purposes, but the idea of any Orc sticking his nose into Ashenvale getting it filled with arrows appeals to me)

And, this stuff needs to be in the game and actually done with care and attention. No more putting stuff in Blizzcon answers or poorly done thrown together videos.

And, finally, for the love of all that’s holy, no more damn faction wars. Blizzard can’t do it well. They’ve proven that twice already.


The Alliance has waged two wars with the Horde on their behalf, the first of which involved sacrificing humanity’s only nation on Kalimdor in support of the Night Elves.


I agree that i would love to see more of the different Alliance races and see what their reactions are to everything. That’s why I’ve preferred Horde- they have some really interesting characters and races explored. We already know, like some in the horde council, there are Alliance leaders who would rather fight the Horde.

Tyrande being obvious but Falstad also always seems eager to. Then we have Alleria and Turalyon spouting about restoring the old alliance which would include Lordaeron and Quel’thalas.

Though imo it is illogical to have Horde
Kill on Sight. That would easily lead to another war as the two factions have close territories and I imagine trade routes, etc.

I mean, Kaldorei territory is one thing since they didn’t sign the armistice yet. But the others yeah, I can’t see it happening.


That’s what its supposed to be. Not a human empire with vassal races.


Can…can I give you a hug please? You summed up beautifully all my problems concerning my favorite race :wolf: :smiley:


Alleria seems to believe that Quel’thalas will eventually rejoin the Alliance of its own volition, although Shaw mentions in Exploring Azeroth that he’s concerned that isn’t a rational belief and she may only think it because of the void telling her what she wants to hear. Either way, for now she doesn’t seem interested in doing anything by force.

The Alliance already controls most of Lordaeron and Alliance-sympathetic factions such as the Argent Crusade control the rest. The only real question re: Lordaeron for the Alliance is if they’ll let the Forsaken stick around, which Turalyon has indicated he is fine with in BtS.

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The humans are the most powerful force in the Alliance. It being a military coalition of common defense and also being predominantly human aren’t mutually exclusive. I know that the idea of those shortlived upstart pinkskins being in charge bothers Elven imperialists but that’s the reality.


The Male Human Paladin.

The Alliance’s narrative is driven by the Horde. The Alliance is only ever allowed to react never just act.

Quoting and responding as I read. Guess you beat me to it lmao.

Because the writers can’t be asked to write a League of Nations. They can only be asked to write about what Anduin is thinking. Anduin’s wants and desires. Unless they need to grab another Alliance race the grind into a bloody pulp so the Horde can feel strong and Anduin has a reason to shed a tear.

It started in Cata and came to full fruition in MoP and while I miss Metzen and wish he had never retired it’s something that will forever be a black stain upon his writing for me. High King never should have existed and it was clear from the on set that it was only being put into place because the writers couldn’t motivate themselves to write stories for the Alliance the way they do for the Horde and were unwillingly to elevate anyone who did have that motivation.

Now we’re left with these Warcraft 2 die hards who constantly want to do nothing but experience the cool hard core heavy metal Horde and nothing else.


“A black stain on his writing,” There has been a high king of Stormwind since Warcraft’s inception. It’s a medieval fantasy game… there’s gonna be a king. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: And the Horde’s leader is consistently called “war chief.” How is that better?

Dancing. You forgot dancing.

You remember how Tyrande on her own requires an army to slow her down? How she single handedly killed most of the Wardens who stood in her way? You remember one of the artists for that lie about night elves getting vengeance at Darkshore mentioning that canonically, it’s difficult to portray the night elves because they’re so powerful? The ones that had civilians holding off Horde forces?

Yeah. Well, that’s less relevant than them dancing, apparently.


That has nothing to do with multi-national Leadership. Tell me who the Secretary General of the UN is, and the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe. I’ll give you a hint, they aren’t American.

Or are you going to sit here and tell us that egalitarianism and diversity are traits reserved only for the Horde.


No. There’s been a King of the Humans since Warcraft’s inception. The High King came into existence in MoP. They’re similar titles with very different meanings. But falling for the trap of thinking they’re the same thing is exactly what the writers wanted you to do.

The King of the Humans is just that. The King of the Humans.

The High King is the Commander of the united Alliance forces.

But the writers want High King to effectively mean “Leader of the Entire Alliance” so that’s how they write while claiming the former because they’re to lazy and unmotivated to actually give positive attention to any race other than Humans when it comes to the Alliance.


Well, I’m all for a more democratic Alliance. Anduin is 23 years old (I believe), he’s too young to shoulder that much responsibility on his own, and it brings too much heat onto him specifically as “the guy to blame” in case he ever makes a bad call. So, we’re in agreement there.

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That is technically how it is. We just never actually see much of it on screen. All we see is Anduin and the forces the other nations gave him.

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The Alliance was supposed to be a group of like minded races that work together to defend one another. There was no one leader but a council who voted on a supreme commander to lead their combined forces. This commander isn’t a king so not to place one leader ahead of the others.

The Supreme commander lead the forces against their enemy but the council sorted out matters of state by vote.

None of this High king rubbish that has stained the writing since Cata. Lets bring back the Flavor to the Alliance that made it great. Lets get characters that act realistically to situations and hold grudges. Remove any characters who act like saints off to a neutral faction where they belong.

This Allows for all races to thrive including humans as they have suffered as much as other races because of the overuse of characters like Anduin and Jaina.