Alliance war effort box is awful

You are wasting your time queue as Alliance in TBC. Play retail if you want to pvp(imbalanced but better than TBC at least) or quit and play FF14 like Asmon and many others have.

Blizz has shown they arent going to balance factions.


pretty sure it was tbc because i eventually re-rolled a mage that was so broken she would nearly single handedly win the bg for alliance. she had abilities that werent available in vanilla.

Fixed that for you.

Fam if it takes you hours of grinding to get a fish, some bread and 3 netherweave, you got other issues than HvH BGs my guy

i can guarantee you got 1 mark per loss in TBC.

Idc about the rewards as I que bgs just for fun anyway, but seriously if their plan is to incentivize people then whoever came up with the rewards clearly had a mental disability.

Iā€™m guessing you donā€™t even play PVPā€¦ I was Horde and I rerolled. Alliance PVP is better. Stop drinking the reddit/forums kool-aid and just play the game.

:rofl: i figured this out 10 years ago.

Boosted honor so alliance can be done with gearing faster and quit pvping? Genius!

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hahahaha imagine thinking this change would make alliance pvp.

hahahahahahah wow you devs are seriously brain dead. thx for the bread and cloth?

best solution.

what about wotlk? cause, mr. coach, i couldnt buy anything from the quartermaster even after 2 weeks of 10 hour a day wsg spam. it was level 29 bracket, if that makes a difference

Sure you did.

I queued for 20 AVS Alliance won literally 1 of them.

Eots was about 85% Horde winrate.

AB/WSG werent much different.

Yea no thanks, enjoy the long queues you arent going to trick Ally to queue for TBC bgs.

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they wouldnt have taken it away for wotlk.

yes and no. obviously you couldnt buy level 70 gear. most of the gear you could buy would be at the BG sites themselves and costed marks and honor. but no, youā€™ve never not gotten a mark for losing as long as they were in the game.

i pvp or did rather. this loot box say horde say is fairā€¦ is a joke to alliance pvp players.
i feel less likely to que now just because its a joke. like i am being bought to stay quiet and ā€œDeal with itā€ā€¦ i did not overpopulate a faction and have those problems. but seems like the right ones get ā€œJust deal with itā€

i can get everything in this bag less that 5 min. i can farm 10X this stuff in the 15 min bg i am in. that does not even befit pvp at all. minus the scroll but thatā€™s gone as soon as die so no plus what so ever. on top of the loot box of jokes Alliance get to wait 20-30 min. (i donā€™t mind waiting but some do). so why que alliance?

point is this loot joke boxā€¦ is not worth it for Alliance to que.
if you want alliance to que for PVP bgā€™sā€¦ donā€™t give stuff for PvE

also dont exist for the 29 bracket

Why bother, you get more gold by doing quest

thats a retail link dear. the ones in TBC are level 40, 50, and 60.

see that helps to know because it means it must not have been in tbc . when it was, i dont remember, i just recall not being able to buy anything from the quartermaster after 2 weeks of wsg spam. i theorized our alliance teams were just there to get horde players their gear. lol