Alliance want to cross-faction group

No, on the Classic forums, the Alliance are upset because everybody plays Horde.

I’m aware of the issue I used to play classic up until the horde became too much our server (Herod) became 100% Horde because so many horde transferred here to PVP. I still stand by the statement the situations are not the same.

Thrall was less impactful in Cata than Tirion was in WotLK.

“Oh but see Tirion was neutral!”


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if it means more groups being formed, then I’m for it

what I wouldn’t like is my char being randomly morphed into something else for gameplay

but on the other hand if you mix up humans and orcs in a group … well that’s game breaking. yes, don’t make fun, it is. it’s no good.

I don’t really know the solution.

…why would the Alliance surrender to themselves? They already run the Horde via the council. Or, did you actually think they represented you?

factions are dead by their own design.
make this game good again money stealers thanks.

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When, exactly, did Retail become Classic? You’re conflating two VERY different games.

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It would not be the horde or the alliance it would be something like void pact vs light coalition the only difference would be the campaign and which cities you can enter depending on which one you choose but anyone can join regardless of race, people can group freely the only thing is that They will have a campaign and different cities. It would also serve for pvp if you activate war mode

If cross faction raiding happens expect to see every top guild have a mix of Alliance races involved- specifically the race/class combos with superior output. Players as committed as Limit would play the game while on fire if it meant 0.5% more output.

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I fully support cross-faction gameplay and guilds being able to accept opposite faction members in them as well


This. It would be nice to play on the faction I like while still being able to play with my guild. Double props if they make a EQ2 style system that allows you to switch sides while keeping your race. :slight_smile:


i support it and i think it’s only a matter of time before it happens. increasing the pool of players is a good thing for both sides. but I’ll admit i don’t care about the lore so faction conflict is meaningless to me


I just wanna play the game with people around my skill level, and that doesn’t require spending more just because the tides changed while I stayed on my realm since vanilla (which is as of now one of the 31 unconnected realms so far).

The story supports it and participation in general for queued content is down. It’s a win-win scenario to allow folks to group together regardless of faction.


Calling B.S. on this.

This isn’t a matter of ‘Alliance’ wanting cross-faction. This is a matter of some disaffected, bored and/or lonely players wanting a meta game answer to a problem Blizzard has created and has been ignoring. So now they’re jumping on a bandwagon being driven by Bellular, T&E, Soul, and a few other “I know what’s best for everyone” content creators.

I don’t really want this. I’d sooner kill Horde as group with them after Teldrassil. It does seem odd to me though, that only storyline NPC somehow speak the other side’s language. How is it that Auction NPC’s can interact with the Horde and Alliance, but I can’t? How is it that given the truism “you get to know someone by fighting them” there is noone on the Horde side that I’m aquainted with? Let alone friends with?

This isn’t how things work.

I support it. The factiom divide for gameplay is an archaic and dated idea that does far more harm than good. Keep the divide as a story element, but let the players play together.

It can ONLY do good.


Pretty sure those top raiders are the ones they’ve listened to more than random GD scrub over the last two decades.

Cross faction guilds and grouping would be a good addition in my opinion. Considering people can have friend groups on both factions. The thought of having to juggle basically two mains to play with both groups just sucks at this point.

If I didn’t have to regrind renown, conduits, ect or whatever the expansion flavor of borrowed power is and instead just gear up it’d be a different story.


WoW Developers: We 100% agree on all counts!

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As an Alliance player, no, I don’t want cross-faction play. I deal with enough annoying Horde on the forums without having to do so in game too.