Alliance want to cross-faction group

That’s gonna be a hard no for me.


We all read that thread on these forums yesterday.

“Top end raiders” are not representatives of our faction in any way with regard to what “Alliance wants”.


The idea is gaining popularity with the struggles of the Alliance across the board. Still 100% supporting that cross-faction grouping.


I support. Please make happen de Crossfaction


I just saw this, but then I’m sure Icy veins is always late on the news.

Go for it. I play both, but the higher level of enjoyment playing Horde is noticeable for me personally, and not for the right reasons.

I do like Horde, but I am also a huge fan of dwarves, across the fantasy genre as a whole, and would probably main one if not for not wanting to be on current state Alliance.


Limit max himself placed this on his WoW wishlist, admitting that more than likely himself and probably over half his guild would swap to Alliance characters.

A stark contrast to the people that believe good WoW players would never play Alliance


I think there would be a solid shift if they did, and we’d be sitting pretty evenly.

Ironforge will always be my favorite racial capital. I miss hanging there.


That’s gonna be an even harder yes from me, fam. My yes is so hard right now. :wink:


Maybe there’d be more alliance if their faction story wasn’t centered around always forgiving the Horde and being overly soft.

Varian is dead, Magni is no longer alliance only like many other former alliance heroes, Tyrande got screwed over, Malfurion is MIA most of the time and the council of three hammers is doing who knows what. Sorry Blizzard but the Anduin friendship boat ride isn’t selling many tickets.


If they open cross faction they may as well just give the Alliance free transfers to the Horde and admin they failed.

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I see your “yes” and raise you a “maybe”… :smirk:

Then don’t group with them?..

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should i tell him and should you (already is cross faction content and grouping, you don’t see it because you transform into the faction based instanced automatically)

I welcome any Chad dwarves and swanky Nelfs into my keys. Gnomes and large blue fridges need not apply.

Horde: Merc mode is absolutely needed so us Horde don’t have to sit through one to two hour ques we are paying customers after all.

Also Horde: The Alliance should just go horde if they want to PVE.


Do they have it for PvE?

I know they have merc mode in PvP, and it does transform you, but you can mouseover them and it shows their race. E.g. if you mouseover a merc Kul Tiran, it will say Zandalari.

This. All of this.

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remove the factions and create something similar to covenant we could choose a light faction or void faction for example

Hard yes for me. would move all my characters to alliance if i can