Alliance want to cross-faction group

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… Thanks for literally proving my point? In that the vast majority of the quality players have gone horde… hence there being more competition… hence it being challenging to recruit players on the alliance side.

Sorry mate, you and I usually see eye to eye on things, but you’re clearly the person sitting in a boat while everyone is drowning around you calmly proclaiming that everything is fine.

I get having faction pride… but not at the expense of gameplay experience.


The only numbers you ever need to present are:

48% of the playerbase
6% of top 100 PvE guilds


We’ve teamed up far more than not. Mount Hyjal, Sunwell, Dragon Soul, Siege of Orgrimmar, pretty much the entirety of WoD we were working towards the same goal of stopping the Iron Horde, the entirety of Legion we were teamed up stopping the Legion, BfA Siege of Orgrimmar 2.0 and we’ve been teamed up the entirety of Shadowlands to stop a Universe-busting threat.


They haven’t “gone” Horde, Horde has had more raiders than Alliance since Burning Crusade.

It’s an issue of attrition. Go look at the Alliance Mythic raiding guilds from 5 years ago. How many are now Horde guilds, compared to how many are just gone?

And the same is true Horde-side, most Mythic Horde raiding guilds from 5 years ago just don’t exist anymore.

The solution to Alliance raiding numbers is not a Horde bail-out. The solution is to get more people to raid. A rising tide lifts all boats.

I remember when I was a “horde thumper” back in TBC (despite secretly having started on the Alliance and maining a belf) :sweat_smile:

Then it kinda got cringy when you pushed REALLY hard to show that horde pride to others who realized it was just a game.

Now we got people in this thread demanding the Alliance faction “surrenders” because they’re being saved by the Horde “again”. What?? Lmao.

Mixing up lore and game play in the worst possible way. Nobody’s even asking for the faction war to stop. Just lemme invite my cow Brothers to some runs. Sheesh


Alliance players come to this forum every day saying they can’t get anything done and they need the Horde players to rescue them.

That’s not me doing RP. That’s what Alliance posters say here on a daily basis.

No that’s you twisting their words to fit the sad little narrative you are trying to push.


Let’s see. Pretty much Legion on back to TBC both factions were more or less working together .

Warcraft has honestly been less about being a conflict between 2 factions since it became a MMO . It has been more about 2 different groups with different views fighting what ever random bad guy and it’s forces .


Where was the Horde NPC helping the Alliance out in Legion’s raids?

I’m drawing a blank, here.

Then you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s going on here. The Horde isn’t “saving the Alliance again”.

If we’re talking purely from a game play perspective, then it would be 1 for 1 considering the Alliance helps the Horde with queue times in pvp now. I cannot for the life of me recall a single point in history where cross faction game play was allowed in any way that benefitted the Alliance.

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I’d rather have expansions like Shadowlands over expansions where Horde get smacked with the villain bat to fuel a faction war that can’t come to a satisfying end due to the nature of the game.

Some might say it was neutral factions that took care of business in those, but in BC it was Scryers (Blood Elves that took players of both factions), Aldor (Draenei that took players of both factions), Sha’tar (the Naruu over both) and Shattered Sun Offensive (Scryer and Aldor united) that handled the raid reps for end game.

In Wrath it was the Argents and Knights of the Ebon Blade that took the fight to the Lich King, both of which populated by races of both factions.

I think what would make most happy is just the ability to say “screw the alliance/horde, I am going with the Argents/Cenarions/KotEB/etc” In essence it would not be Alliance/Horde teaming up but members of the covenants teaming up or the Argents teaming up, etc.


Its not really cool to keep people from playing the game just because they like dwarves or gnomes or whatever. If cross-grouping helps groups form, then everyone is winning here, right?

Don’t wanna play with “the enemy”? Then don’t cross-group! Bam, problem solved

I for one think its a great idea!


That would be Warlords of Draenor, when Mercenary Mode was added for random battlegrounds at the DEMAND of the Alliance playerbase, because they had massively long queue times for random battlegrounds.

Oh my god if I could join a shattered sun offensive neutral faction that can join whoever, that would be SICK.

Stop lying.

Jun 10, 2008 · Mercenary Mode was created because Ashran had a specific population problem, too many Horde players were queueing and practically no Alliance. Basically Horde wait times were very long and Alliance instantly popped. The game was waiting for Alliance players to want to play in order to create games.


Here’s the thing, though:

In Wrath, did Alliance players get off the boat in Howling Fjord and report to Sylvanas for orders?
No, because that would have been stupid. There was an Alliance story, instead.

In Burning Crusade, did Horde players go throuh the Dark Portal and report to Danath for orders?
No, because that would have also been stupid. There was a Horde story, instead.

In Shadowlands, Horde players land in The Maw and Jaina’s in charge.
Who just tried to kill us all a few months ago.
That’s stupid.

Why would the Alliance have massively long queue times if they’re the ones with low pop…? Back in the day, if you wanted fast queue times, you go alliance. If you want wins with crawling queue times, that means you go horde.

If that changed in wod, then the Horde benefits more because people get their faster queues bruh


Wait what?


HORDE queue times were long.


I speak for the horde majority. We dont want anything to do with the allaince. Don’t ruin the game when the other 90 percent dont do these high end stufff just because your feelings are hurt.

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