Alliance Vulpera

I love playing a race people love to hate for absolutely no legitimate reason :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Because ally cant keep taking everything horde has ok.


You burned them alive and destroyed their wagons. TF do you expect here?


Sethrak are allies of Zandalar and Vorrik loves the Horde PC. Not gonna happen. Stop asking for Horde stuff pls. You getting the blood elf model was bad enough.

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You have forgotten… :fire: :deciduous_tree:

Now everyone is friends. :hugs:

I don’t want vulpira on alliance side if we get any kind of short humanoid race it’s gotta be murloks or gnolls. Maybe even gnomes with the worgen curse.

Dracthyr Visage uses the human skeleton for female characters, so horde has female humans now. Technically.

Male Visage is a Belf skeleton so now both factions have Belf twice. Lol

Off memory i’ve had a Troll Druid call me a furry (which I’m not really offended by or anything, but I thought it was funny coming from a druid) they asked me what had “possessed you to level a Vulpera” and told me to Reroll (my Hunter) to Mag’har for racials and then blocked me, and a Mag’har warrior tell me that “Garrosh never would have stood for this” (Vulpera in the horde), and asked the group to kick me from the group in a TW dungeon (lol)

Some people take this game so seriously they should actually seek psychological intervention :dracthyr_nod:

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or…Blizzard could really pull a fast one in response to those saying they’ve gone too ‘Hello Kitty’, and use the Vulpera skeleton to make a hello kittesque kitty race for Alliance. ( Sunwarmed Furline face would be purrfect on a Vulpera body, haha)

I’m not against people getting this if they want it- but genuinely curious. Do people think anyone will really play Sethrak for long? So many complain the Dracthyr are just lizards ( geckolike) so why would Blizz take a chance on another - skinny reptile with a tiny head - race?

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It’s always ironic when someone churlishly posts unnecessary slander in the form of ageism, just because they dislike the opinions of another. Besides, stealing…though there might have been more appropriate terms he could have used…isn’t all that inaccurate. The examples you used…Nightborne, female humans (presumably meaning Drakthr), and dwarves…weren’t ‘stolen’. They were (are going to be) placed within the Horde by the game developers.

As evinced by this thread and many before it, some Alliance players have made it known they wished High/Blood elves and Vulpera had been ‘faction sharable’ neutral races…and there’s nothing wrong with that desire. Conversely, we’ve also seen threads in which Horde players thought certain Alliance races should playable within their faction.

If you had been one of the posters opposing that idea, would you have appreciated being called a child for your opinion? People are too often disdainfully insulting of others, just because internet anonymity allows them to be.

My favorite tactic when running into this…and boy do I ever see this a lot…is to /hug and /pat them, and say “Awww, are we having a bad day? Would you like a cupcake? Or a brownie?”

More often than not, they flee for the hills.

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Everyone should have access to vulpera. Please replace pandas with vulpera since nobody likes them anymore.

So you don’t find it childish when someone complains that the Alliance players are supposedly “stealing” races? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

By that logic, the Horde would have stolen 3 models, as I said, Night Elves, female Humans, Dwarves, and if you want to be precise, the female Worgen model for the Dracthyr. The Alliance stole one model, namely Blood Elves.

So you find such thinking absolutely justified? Because personally, I don’t consider that to be mature adult behavior. The devs decide where races go based on their generally questionable racial separation system. It would be nice if people stopped constantly insulting players of a virtual faction, as the individual in question seems all too eager to do.

Odd. I spend a lot of time in Orgrimmar, and I generally see a population ratio along these lines:

In first place, Blood elves (by far)…then a mix of Orcs, Goblins, Tauren, Trolls, Pandaren, and Vulpera. Then less so of the Drakthyr…and lastly Forsaken, which is what makes your assertion so ironic.

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I just did a quick run through Org and it is quite empty (6 people in the main area counting myself). I agree with the blood elves being the most popular there (and elves in general in Valdraken), but I didn’t see any pandas at all. I did see one vulpera in Org though.

Regardless, the world needs more vulpera.

BTW, that was on WrA.

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It’s still morning in that time zone. Make the same run in the evening, or better still, during the afternoon or evening on the weekends. The Valley of Honor gets packed!

On WrA, that is…

Aw, gosh! Now you’re just buttering me up. :wink:


Besides the pirate vulpera yeah the alliance’s first interaction with Vulpera was basically genocide. Burned our wagons, tried to kill or enslave our people, basically treated us like the pirates they knew from Kul’tiras when we vulpera of Voldun never stepped foot on a boat so. They…basically did to us what settlers did to natives… in a sense. Sadly even after that Alliance is still portrayed as the good guys and they won the war in the canon and… god so much alliance favortism with the lore it’s sickening. I mean even in DF it’s clear they wanted Horde painted as bad guys as most the primalist units were Horde models/ races. I mean they even had vulpera working for primalists… forced my vulpera to kill members of her own people like the dracthyr did for a good bit of time.

If they’d stop stepping on our tails we wouldn’t need to bite them but no Alliance seems to love doing that


You guys can have those elfs back, but you have to burn down the new world tree for the trade :smiley:

Please take them all, they’re yours

Yeah, I’d like a Vulpera or even a Nightborne too, but I find the horde architecture (blood elves aside) SO incredibly depressing I can’t stick with them.

Maybe it’s just time we do what we all should do in the real world - No more factions, we all unite and fight together as we woulda done if we were smart all along - and have done to a certain degree eh? Go aaalllll the way I say! :grin:

Maybe it’ll help imbed the unity thought into people to take into the real world! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: