Yeah Alliance burned their homes, killed or tried to abduct their loved ones, whole ‘cleanse the enemy’ tactic when Vulpera weren’t horde back in BFA. Alliance is free to recruit the pirate vulpera but those from Vol’dun won’t willingly join the people who went rambo on them for no good reason
And I repeat myself, quality writing on the part of the devs… not.
The racial segregation concept should have been abolished years ago, in general.
We’re sexy.
I’m pretty sure they got renamed and the actions changed slightly due to the whole thing being a not-so-subtle parallel and reference to people who unironically talk about doing those exact things to specific groups IRL.
Instead we got to hear about how our faction was going to also do “morally gray” things when most of what we did boiled down to disabling military power and going for military targets. Meanwhile, our quest lines show us Horde rolling up to random towns, impaling people on buildings in front of their children, and deliberately pursuing every civilian target they could during other events (incursions, primarily).
I don’t think Blizzard knows how to write “morally gray” and just decided to break the villain bat over the collective Horde’s head in BFA. The faction conflict was awkwardly executed and its conclusion being “hmm yep we watched some of you impale civvies on walls, but nah it’s aight Sylvanas said she didn’t care about any of you so we’ll try to move on” was hilariously bad. It was almost as bad as the Alliance NOT making an attempt at locking the Horde down after Garrosh’s nosedive into war crimes.
As much as the hardcore fans may want to defend it, the compulsive division of Alliance and Horde has made absolutely no sense since the end of Warcraft 3. Many like to view things through rose-tinted glasses and defend stuff like TBC, etc., as a grand story, but if you really take off those rose-tinted glasses… holy cow… WoW lore is really bad. Full of retcons, clichés, and questionable things when it comes to the story aspect.
I might even argue that expansions like WoD, BFA, Shadowlands, and yes, even Dragonflight are particularly abysmal, but the story was never outstanding. Not even back then. At its best, you could maybe describe it as mediocre.
And honestly, anyone who considers something like that good should really leave the WoW bubble and give other games a chance.
Nope most definitely not the Alliance in canon killed Captain Eudora the captain of the Bilge Rats the crew with Vulpera in it so unsurprisingly they would not be rushing to join the Alliance and any Vulpera who wanted to get away from the Pirate life would likely go to the Horde joining the Voldunai Vulpera as they’d be wanted in Kultiras.
Why can’t we just have the alliance faction races disbanded and remove the blue faction and put all the races under the Horde banner. So many people want to keep stealing the horde races. First blood elves now vulpera.
For blood elves its already done, since you can create void elves now looking non-void. So they effectively cloned blood elves for the Alliance.
It was Jainas father who was dead set on wiping out the Horde when he discovered them in Kalimdor.
Sometimes there are some hatreds that can’t be extinguished and they are regrettably still a thing even to this day.
Stealing… how old are you, exactly? 10? Besides, would you even want the counterparts? Diaper Gnomes? Is the Horde stealing now because it has Nightborne, female humans, and soon dwarves? Some WoW players… Jeez… xD
Thats what i’m saying, there is a lot of alliance players asking for Horde races to go to the Alliance. I’ve visited these forums for years and seen almost every race be requested to go Horde except Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins. Blizzard gave up and gave the alliance blood elves (void elves). At this point if the faction wants so many horde races just play horde >.<
how old are you getting upset over someones opinion? I never said I wanted alliance counter parts. Nightborne isn’t cool, female humans? and No one asked for dwarves. Did you not see the Blizzcon video where the entire room went silent after their introduction as an allied race? You just seek attention and drama “jeez”
Oh, so I’m the one crying because the evil, evil Alliance wants to play with the same toys as you?
Pretty much. Welcome to the ignore list. Perhaps play the game some more before commenting about it. 30 achievement points and 392 posts. Yikes, red flags all around.
Usually, one learns about sharing in kindergarten and don’t whine about it.
And when you run out of arguments and feel the need to insult the account… well, that pretty much speaks volumes about your ability to discuss. It’s nonexistent.
People under level 20 generally aren’t from the USA and usually have an extra account for that purpose, just so you know.
The Blood Elves kicked us innocent Void Elves out. We did nothing wrong.
They banned us for a “Thought Crime” and “What Ifs” instead of “What done”.
Justice for the Void Elves!
The factions still not getting along even though cooperation would benefit everyone is probably the most realistic and believable aspect of their writing.
If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years, it’s that if the Alliance complains long enough, they’ll get what ever they want. And as an apology, Blizzard will kill off a few Horde leaders on top of it.
My brother in Void, wut
Because the Alliance went around with literal kill squads and burned their homes down.