Alliance Undead

They know it and throw rotten vegetable at new DKs.

100 percent agree. We should pick a race, and pick a permanent faction on character creation with whatever race we pick.

Win/win for blizzard. Imagine the amount of money they’d make on faction changes and race changes if they implemented this.

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Say Zug Zug… :laughing:


They undead were the alliance, y’all said kick rocks, even though they carried the 2nd war for you.

Those backwater stormwind humans really don’t like the superior Lorderon ones.

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forsaken are ours.

you can have humans with glowy eyes though. i’d rather they not be over here anyways. whatever calia is, you can have that.

SO what you actually mean is yes XD

Better idea: allow the Argent Crusade to finally wipe out the Forsaken and retake Lordaeron’s capital city. They can fill in the Undercity with rocks and the bones of permanently dead Forsaken. Existing undead players get a free race change to any other Horde race. I was actually happy when The Desolate Council was formed until they almost immediately started using the Plague against Scarlet Crusaders. I just don’t trust them not to use it on other military and civilian targets.

I mean Callia isn’t a special case anymore, we have multiple ‘lightforged undead’ that were made in the Priory of the Sacred Flame Dungeon in War Within.

As such it stands to reason the process could be used to make more, or some may have gone their own way (numbers is not the end all be all, per lore there was a ‘handful’ of void elves that started that allied race)


We scare the locals. Won’t happen.

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I have a much better idea. You and I meet at the Gurubashi Arena to fight and if you win we give Lordaeron to the Alliance.

They are all Forsaken and end up joining the Horde. The Alliance never accepted the undead in any way. I don’t see that happening unless Blizzard decides to not care.

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Tell me how that would make any cultural sense within the lore.

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Looks around Stormwind

Well, on my server we already got the dead part.

If you get Alliance Forsaken then we want Horde Void Elves

No, we don’t.


Trade you undead for your humans.

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You can have them no prob

Roll a night elf or void elf. Select the dark ranger skin/eyes.

Or roll a death knight. Congratulations! You now have Alliance Undead! Do a victory lap.

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do you want a race of Mummies???

Only if the Horde gets Undead Worgen.