Alliance Undead

I mentioned lightforged Forsaken and now they exist as dungeon mobs. They will be an allied race going forward. Remember this.

No race in WoW is a monolith, even in the Army of the Light there have been those who turned away after their transformation. For instance, there are humans and kul tirans directly working with the horde in BfA questlines. It really doesn’t need to be a huge lore thing that some folks happen to not be aligned with the bulk of their playable factions. That doesn’t break anything, either. Some of the actual nations that allied themselves directly with two nations and immediately went to war are more immersion-breaking than this suggestion of negligibly small numbers of defectors or just different populations


Big ol’ NOPE to that idea.


It’s always been every man for himself since the games inception. Everyone hates each other

No, they won’t. I think I can say with 99% certainty that they won’t. They exist to show the depravity of Murrpray’s forces and had practically no characterization beyond that, on top of combining the themes of two races we can play already. You won’t even know why they exist unless you do the questline leading up to the Priory of the Sacred Flame.

Imagine out of all the NPC races that are relevant to the plot of TWW, the next one they decide to make playable is undead with glowing hands, which one or two people here would be excited for while ten others would say that it should be a customization for regular undead, because they use a slightly edited male undead model.

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You’re saying this like they haven’t already.

I just cannot imagine caring about faction in 2024… you’re like the last one.


Once again beating the drum of more choices for all! Down with tribalism, up with franz! < 3

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Do Death Knights count?

They are going to build on the risen undead using the light. They aren’t going to just use it once.

Out of all the npcs we have been given, a majority of the allied races have been a disappointment. If you believe Blizzard is going to give us something we really want, then you put too much faith in this company.

They already have fake Thalassian “elves”.

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Can the Alliance deal with the random body parts falling off in their cities though?

If there was Horde Humans that is like the Alteracis.

The datamined lightforged undead turned out to be Arathi heresy so I guess so much for lightforged undead for alliance. I can only imagine how Arathi would react to Callia if they saw her

darkfallen and death knights: am i a joke to you?

Nothing indicates that the Arathi’s story ends with an army of their reanimated dead deciding to join the Alliance and Horde. You people have been doing this since BfA: you see an NPC race that’s relevant to the plot of at least one zone, you convince yourselves that it will be an allied race regardless of its lore, presence, characterization, population, or art assets, you end up disappointed when it turns out it was only meant to be NPCs, repeat next expansion.

The Alliance wanted Dark Irons for 10+ years until Blizzard gave them to them, then some people started saying that the race would’ve been better off on the Horde even though that would’ve been a terrible plot development, compounded by the complaints about earthen being on the Horde.

Consigning yourself to accepting more bottom of the barrel garbage, just because Blizzard won’t give the spotlight to now-irrelevant races like ogres, is a very dour outlook.

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You can keep Blood Elves. I didn’t want them since TBC.

Yeah no /10char

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No. Never. /10characters


Please no. We don’t want any zombies in Stormwind.

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Wait until you find out what death knights are