what about if alliance gets vampires
There are many examples of Horde n Alliance races intermingling n being close allies/friends n being in exclusive groups together.
Sir Zeliekâs bond with the Light was so strong he still had command of it even while an unholy risen corpse, nothing to do with depravity.
Which has nothing to do with the story of the Arathi using Light-based necromancy, the fact that said undead are trash mobs instead of a fully-developed race, or the comically low possibility of them being playable in any form.
Ever since Calia came back into the picture, this board has been bizarrely obsessed with the concept of Alliance-aligned Light-infused undead so they can say âHaha, Horde, we got another of your racesâ. Before that, it was Lightbound orcs. And before that, it was Steamwheedle goblins. Iâve also seen suggestions for Lightforged tauren, blood trolls, dark trolls, and Bilge Rat vulpera. People like OP just want everything the Horde has, and then some.
Alliance undead arenât too far-fetched at this point.
Especially considering DKs are neutral.
Folks who are against it missed the memo that Horde is already 33% elves player-wise, and just recruited Earthen.
Elves and Dwarves are already there, might as well add the rest.
Well said.
Hold on, I thought Derek chose not to rejoin the Alliance and stay with Calia because she was helping him cope with his new existence.
But honestly you can have Undead alliance as soon as I can customize my Undead Forsaken with the human model for my Death Knight.
This Age of Togetherness would not bring them to the Alliance, but to the Forsaken
Light-raised Undead probably smell like incense or candles and funeral wreathes
whatâs the chances of us getting draenei
Why? They went after the Pandaren for thousands of years in MoP and fight along them now, for the Horde.
All this swapping of races cross faction never should have started. Horde should never have gotten any elves/dwarves and Alliance never should have gotten, well Alliance never really did get any Horde races.
At this point might as well just get rid of the factions all together.
know what that cobble stone would sound like with a couple hundred boney feet click clacking across it? Stormwind would sound like popcorn.
Give us furbolg instead.
When youâve already made the sell, stop selling!
All death knights are undead. You can play them with most alliance races. Youâre welcome.
The horde can keep the Forsaken. We take the Vulpera instead.
so you want to be a Valupa???