^ This
But, that doesn’t quite fit the horde bias narrative.
You did didja? Where’s this “teleport”?
^ This
But, that doesn’t quite fit the horde bias narrative.
You did didja? Where’s this “teleport”?
Because WHERE THE HELL DOES IT STOP?! When will it finally be good enough?
Blueprint: Ultrasafe Transporter: Mechagon
Maybe just go farm the content instead of complaining?
You’re missing the entire point of the post.
I’m not asking for TELEPORTS EVERYWHERE. I just find it strange that once again, the Horde has it easy. We take a 4 minutes flightpath, while they get an instant teleport. Our flight goes over stormsong. Why can’t they also go to stormsong and fly over?
Why would this be ‘outrageous’ and ‘horde bias’?
Such an over reaction.
Oh of course it must be because Blizz hates alliance players.
And you’re missing mine. It doesn’t need to happen. The bottom line is that if they start caving to every single little “this is a minor inconvenience, please give me instant travel” request out there then it will never stop.
The absolute worst was the free flight path for Tauren druids to get back to TB from Moonglade (especially since you needed to have all the fps in between to use fps back then and for a good chunk of time nothing connected) That sucker was around a half hour long.
There’s actually a fp on the other end of the bridge you can see from where captain Krooz is that’s a little bit shorter of a run.
lol? So it doesn’t show on this toon but I also raid, do M+ and am in the middle of swapping toons. My achievements have very little to do with how angry you are that your “boo hoo poor me I have to fly 4 minutes” thread didn’t garner as much sympathy as you’d hoped. But that’s fine. If you think that’s gonna keep me from letting you know that you are being whiny and sound entitled, then you’re dead wrong.
I have literally zero sympathy for you considering that your BFA hub neccessities are all centralized next to each other and the Horde’s hub requires you to fly to the corners.
Because we are on an entirely different continent and have to ride to the other end of Zuldazar to get to it. I wouldn’t call that easy.
Geez, you people will whine about anything.
Looks more like Blizzard is finally balancing things here. The Horde has a capital city that requires a flight path to go back and forth and now the Alliance has a long flight path to an end game zone. Balance is achieved, as now both sides have something to whine about.
You can use this lame argument as a cudgel for just about anything.
Why are you the final arbiter of what is or is not “minor”?
If 4 minutes is not minor to you, then I feel bad. I do. I have no argument to defend four minutes is too much of my time to spend in transit to a completely new area.
It’s actually a submarine that works the same way as blimps, etc. i.e., time lapsed.
no, it’s not really that long
Except since the very start your city had everything in a very short walking distance where the horde was shafted with flying from the hub to the port for everything. Ive had to fly that at least 1000 times. So your wrong you weren’t shafted.
And classic Barrens before level 40…
So what? teleport them to a place 4 minutes away.
I was unaware that visiting Mechagon was a one time deal and that you would never need to go back for any reason ever again. And you’d especially never want to bring any alts there.