Horde players can talk to Captain Krooz at the Port of Zandalar to return to Mechagon at any time. Alliance will have a similar Gnome NPC equivalent located in Boralus after they finish the quest line.
I mean, you’re the one who came in all offended and acted like anyone cared about classic at all. This is like vegans and crossfit people who can’t shut up about their lifestyle choices. We get it. You like classic. Now go back into the Classic section and leave everyone else alone.
You are very much mistaken. I can’t stand the idea of classic. I lived through that nightmare and won’t be doing it again. I used that example to illustrate that a 4 minute flight path is NOT that much of an inconvenience. To elaborate, we had flight paths that were upwards of 10+ minutes in Vanilla and we were happy to have them because the alternative was ground mounting it all the way to our destination. It just goes to show that no matter what anyone does to give people their go go go fix it will never be fast enough.
lol…and there IS NO GNOME anywhere, I purposefully went all over boralus looking, clicking on every single one that would let me…it is non existent …don’t care what icy veins says, it’s just not there.
Alliance must take a flight over…'nearly 4 minutes…which to me …not that big of a deal…I usually need more coffee anyways. LOL
So the solution is what? Make it where you can instantly teleport to anywhere on the map and completely avoid doing anything? Makes zero sense to ask for an improvement where none is needed.