Alliance teleport to mechagon?


How to Return to Mechagon

Horde players can talk to Captain Krooz at the Port of Zandalar to return to Mechagon at any time. Alliance will have a similar Gnome NPC equivalent located in Boralus after they finish the quest line.

Can’t believe ppl are using the flight path.

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Its fine, goblin technology is just so much more advanced. You’ll have one in a few weeks :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Four minutes, and you’re gonna go mow the lawn?


I saw that, but can’t find a Gnome NPC in Boralus after the quest line. That information is from PTR, not live.

Would you like to share his location if you are so sure? Sigh


why not - can get a lot of lawn mowed in 10 minutes - which is the flight and 5 more.

You can create teleporters via junkyard tinkering.


We have to fly to the docks, then run to Lazlo who is on the other side of the docks and then have a load screen to get there.

Im pretty sure we both waste enough time equally.

This. This this.

You make teleporters.

I mean, you’re the one who came in all offended and acted like anyone cared about classic at all. This is like vegans and crossfit people who can’t shut up about their lifestyle choices. We get it. You like classic. Now go back into the Classic section and leave everyone else alone.


You are very much mistaken. I can’t stand the idea of classic. I lived through that nightmare and won’t be doing it again. I used that example to illustrate that a 4 minute flight path is NOT that much of an inconvenience. To elaborate, we had flight paths that were upwards of 10+ minutes in Vanilla and we were happy to have them because the alternative was ground mounting it all the way to our destination. It just goes to show that no matter what anyone does to give people their go go go fix it will never be fast enough.

lol…and there IS NO GNOME anywhere, I purposefully went all over boralus looking, clicking on every single one that would let me…it is non existent …don’t care what icy veins says, it’s just not there.
Alliance must take a flight over…'nearly 4 minutes…which to me …not that big of a deal…I usually need more coffee anyways. LOL

So I just went there to take a screenshot myself and prove you wrong… but turns out you’re right. At least partially.

The Gnome NPC is there, but is not currently offering any teleport option.

Sorry for that, I assumed it worked like in the PTR. I never noticed cause I simply set my hearthstone in Mechagon. Perks of being a mage :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I saw that link. I looked and no where does it mention this NPC.

Where is it? Do you actually play alliance and are using it?

So what? Because things used to be worse that means we can never ask for further improvements?

So the solution is what? Make it where you can instantly teleport to anywhere on the map and completely avoid doing anything? Makes zero sense to ask for an improvement where none is needed.


Nobody is asking for that. They’re asking for a quicker way to Mechagon. Pay attention to the topic of the thread if you’re going to post in it.


They are LITERALLY asking for an instant port. Take your own advice, good sir.


After some research, it does look like Blizz purposefully out of the blue made the gnome NPC stop offering the teleport option.

This is outrageous. Then they wonder why we claim Horde bias.



But only to Mechagon. You somehow extrapolated that to asking for instant teleportation to everywhere.