Alliance teleport to mechagon?

Sure. And can Horde get a teleport to/from The Great Seal to the Docks?


I just don’t believe these posts. Blizzard would never make something so blatantly better for one faction. There MUST be an alliance teleport somewhere, just no one is posting it for some reason.

Kinda like how they’d never have one faction have all their stuff within a 30 second walk of everything in the hub and the other one have a 30 second flight point between two areas where stuff is widely spread out because that hub was mainly designed to be a raid.

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THe difference is …

Going from Boralus to Mechagon is like going to your neighbors . Mechagon is next to KulTiras .

Where as from Zandalar to Mechagon is like going across town .

If Horde had to fly it would take longer . We would have to get to the docks , go to the ship select Stormsong, wait for load screen , get to Stormsong , then proceed to flight master then fly to Mechagon which would most likely activate another load screen.

Alliance just has to get to any flight master in KUl Tiras.


Regardless, its still much faster to do it from the horde side. My hearth is in Spirits Be With You (why isn’t everybody’s?), it’s less than a minute from log in to Mechagon, and 1-2 minutes from log in to the Nazjatar portal.

Who gives a rats rear… Classic is a one and done.

Ha ha ha ha


Different game. This adds extra time to hunting down those really small 5 boxes hidden behind trees and such…:wink:

Your flight would still be faster than us, because ours actually goes through stormsong to get to Mech

Welcome to the alliance. This has been our lives since … well, Vanilla?

Set hearth to Mech.
Buy the Bolarus Teleport ring.

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Boralus teleport ring?

Captain’s Signet of Command.

Right, so the 4m flight path might be like 1m longer than the horde taking a flight path to the docks then looping around to get to the NPC…

I mean horde players constantly need to take the flight path to navigate within the main City, Alliance players in Boralus get everything nicely packed together quite conveniently…

The point is, yeah sometimes one side gets more convenient things and sometimes the other side does, not a big deal.


Used to be there, now I have it in Nazjatar.

I asked a GM. Apparently there is no Alliance equivalent of the Horde portal to be discovered. The intention really is to fly each time. Or apparently buy the portal ring on every alt.

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There it is, I was reading through the posts waiting to see when the op would claim horde favoritism, it didn’t take long. Just 11 posts in. I was not dissapointed.


It’s much faster ally side to do anything in Boralus and it is to do those same things the horde city.

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Apparently all Blood Elves are trolls now a days.

Really? Ok seriously, how much proof do we need that Horde Bias is a real thing? God forbid Ion would have to fly there on his orc shaman.

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