Alliance, stop kicking Shaman Tanks

Could use trolls, yeah. They got that Berserking, which is formidable. I’d pick a female since at least the females walk upright and aren’t hunched over.

A Holy Pally with some points in Prot probably does a better job Tanking …


“You were so concerned with whether or not you could, you never stopped to think if you should.”
-Ian Malcolm

I’ve always thought that Enhancement should’ve been the shaman tanking spec. Paladin and shaman would’ve mirrored one another a bit better too; both classes would’ve had access to all three roles, with paladin having melee DPS and shaman having ranged DPS. Further down the Enhancement tree, perhaps as the final talent, the shaman would’ve gone Plate Specialization. Since the Enhancement talent tree and toolkit both have tanking elements within them, it’s clear that Blizzard originally had tanking in mind for shaman, but for whichever reason, decided to change it at the last second.

I will say that I haven’t and don’t plan to try heroics for tanking as a shaman any time soon. Most normals are doable, biggest struggle so far was OHB after thrall because of back to back pulls (mana). Hard to keep up. SHH would likely be a pain in the butt too. Best I’ve done is steamvault.

Mobs die fast enough in normals, that with the proper focus fire (sometimes not necessary) the shaman can keep threat on the mobs easily. Definitely requires more effort on the shamans end than anyone else’s. Requires a lot of attention to detail and I use all consumes, flask, fel blossom, nightmare seed… as needed. Very expensive hobby if you want to do it right.

With the huge shortage of tanks on my server, people are willing to try when they’ve been waiting 30+ for a tank lol

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