Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

I haven’t seen the quest yet, but it seems poorly designed from what I am reading. Human nature’s ugly side, I guess. I could have told them that the only result would be that people would team up in 40M Ganking squads, then turn off Wm as soon as the quest was finished.

I refuse to turn on Wm right now until this fiasco passes and things calm down. I won’t join a Gank raid, so If I’m out there alone doing WQ or farting around gathering herbs or something, I might get camped into oblivion by Horde seeking vengeance. /sigh

I was starting to get curious about WM, too, and thought about turning it on just to see what it was like out there. Knowing me, though, I won’t attack, and I’d be extra careful not to use my Holy Nova aoe around flagged hordies killing the same WQ bosses I am.

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I can understand an argument to remove the incentive rewards (I actually tend to agree they should be removed altogether), but I still do NOT understand the appeal of Warmode in general.

I for one will not turn it on even for the rewards. I have played games like Black Desert which were basically ruined by their own company trying to cater to a vocal minority of players who refused to play PVP in skilled Arenas or Battleghrounds and DEMANDED being able to go around ganking crafters and questers.

This type of player does not want actual PVP, they want to gank. I do not believe Blizzard should devote resources to catering to a small but vocal minority of the community that derive pleasure from such activities, as I personally feel it is a sign of mental or emotional imbalance and should not be encouraged.

If people really wanted PVP they would do Arenas and Battlegrounds.

Why is the ability to go around ganking people who don’t want to PVP so important?

The ability to toggle Warmode on and be phased into an instance with all the other flagged people is great. It is basically a way to do server merges on PVP realms in realtime, with the ability to change to a PVE realm at a whim with the push of a button without having to pay for server transfers.

But the idea of trying to entice people who do not enjoy the ganker/griefer style of this fake PVP should never have even been considered.

Let the people play what they enjoy. Most REAL PVP occurs in Arenas and Battlegrounds, which is probably why most people don’t bother with Warmode. Most real PVP players actually WANT a challenging opponent who fights back and WANTS to be there fighting back.


Problem is Blizzard doesn’t believe that the PvP community can stand on its own after the travesty that was Legion.

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And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you choose not do war mode or do war mode with absolutely no restriction then you would still have that choice.

But if we want to get the free 400ilvl loot incentive that exists to get alliance players to play in war mode, then I think we should have to dedicate more than 10 minutes in War Mode for the reward.

That’s all i’m saying :slight_smile:


Its honestly a fair question, one that I could only speculate on but honestly I think “participation” of Warmode would not change though I think number of players with Warmode would shift. We would see less of the people who run around with Warmode on just using it for the PvE bonus for WQ’s and the like and instead more people actively looking to fight others. My assumption is that it would be a much more combat driven environment and everyone just using it for the bonuses would most likely leave it.

To a degree, it would probably mean less people, IE less shards, but more conflict and its something that probably would not be too overly noticeable. You would see more players fighting I think and less players just avoiding each other. Again, this is my theory.

Perhaps. Honestly, I would love to hear discussion on the matter from the PvP devs and why they opted to go this route instead of a more PvP focused route. I have faith in the PvP community though and feel that Warmode would be better off more focused on PvP.

Heck, re-tool the WQ’s in Warmode(not reward wise) to take into account player kills. Like the Azerite Absorption quest where you kill enemies and absorb their Azerite? Players could reward more progress and now a PvE quest becomes PvP compatible. There is a lot of opportunity to make Warmode fantastic, it just needs to be built upon.

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But if you want to get the free 400ilvl lootincentive that exists to get alliance players to play in war mode, then you should have to dedicate more than 10 minutes in War Mode for the reward


Be forceflagged for days.

and this

At least you will have to give up playing that toon for 3-4 days if you just refuse to participate in war mode outside of free 400 loot.

A flat NO.

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Okay then. If you don’t want to do war mode then you shouldn’t get the reward for doing war mode. Simple as that.


Mine is more simple.

Within a few days we would see pvpers complaining they have no one to attack.

Yeah you arent listening.

Done with you.

Then learn how to improvise.

Get some gunshoes, buy gliders, know common areas where you think the Horde might be at and stay away from those. If you’re outmatched in a fight there’s no shame in gunning it to a different area, the Horde does it all the time. Get the spy addon to know ahead of time if you’re in a bad area.

You have so many options at your disposal to get out of a situation, how is it possible that you realistically get corpse camped for hours?


Mmmmm, I honestly don’t think so with how Sharding Works.

I am listening, you’re the one that refuses to listen or even understand.

But fair enough, bye.

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boy, there’s a way to make the game unplayable. i recently leveled with warmode on from 20 to 110. wasn’t too bad for a while. horde here and there.

then legion. staying hidden while horde characters are constantly landing in a quest hub is obnoxious. the disparity of numbers between both factions is insane.

I have never turned it off …

It might be fun for a little while, but I’d get bored with it pretty quickly. I am not a particularly aggressive person, and I would not hit back. Just my personality. All of the hassle would get old.

My solution would be to give out TWO quests every week.

Smaller ratio faction gets the quest as it is now.
Larger ratio faction gets another quest that has less azerite and 15 ilvls lower armor.

Then you at least give some incentive for both sides to participate in WPvP, making the fights more consistently even across the entire week.

That and fix the sharding and look at any faction hubs that have bugged guards. That should be done first.

I have faith too. Problem is I don’t think Blizzard does. My suggestion would be that they could also rework the Warfront to have the quests be Honor and Conquest based when you’re not in control of the zone and only while WM is turned on.

This could help create a dynamic where players having multiple choices in how they wish to acquire their Conquest cap for the week.

Everything that they’re doing is only causing more issues than solutions.

War Mode bonuses would have been more fair if they were tied to some duration, on top of the kill count. Perhaps (given the quality of the gear reward) several hours in the BfA zones (or better, in the opposing faction’s zone), plus 25 kills. Maybe a two hour debuff that completes the quest when it times out, and resets if you log out or leave the BfA zones.

People would still find a way around it (perhaps hiding in a remote cave) but the opposing faction would twig to that and chase them out. It would achieve the goal of keeping the under-represented faction actually playing in WPvP.

Giving a 400 iLevel piece of gear should have lots of strings attached. It isn’t too much to expect a few hours of effort. I’ve stumbled through heroic raids for less.

It’s still not enough for me to try War Mode out though. I don’t think anything ever will be. I’m still burnt out on PvP from… BC.


So people hide in an obscure spot, or play a stealth class, or die and stay dead. Putting a forced timer on it won’t make it better.

The whole system is flat worthless it only encourages dirty tactics and cheeseballing. On average the player with a regular raid group is just wasting time with wm or the carrot quest.

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So let me get this straight, Get on my Alliance main, turn on WM, go kill 25 players, log for 4-3 days on some other characters for the time being, come back and turn it off.


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