Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

Mmmmm, I honestly don’t think so with how Sharding Works.

Oh I do.

You mentioned that the concern was the pvpers cant stand on their own two feet.

Take away the incentive 10% and the answer will be no.

Thats what OP wants.

If that so, that’s not really getting rid of the problem so much as gating the reward to a point where you log off for 3-4 days to skirt around the whole “leave it on for 3-4 days or no loot” thing.

If you ask me OP, i suggest to remove incentives for WM to make it more fair. but that’s just me.

If you ask me OP, i suggest to remove incentives for WM to make it more fair. but that’s just me.

Call me pessimistic if you like, but the moment that happens, my estimates say participation will crater. In one sense, that will be the ultimate test of whether or not the pvp community can stand on its own.

My guess is that it cant, and the moment that the risk isnt worth the reward, you will see people turn pvp off in droves.

Pvp is not that popular as it is, and when its a choice between having a lowbie ganked incessantly by someone who thinks its fun to wreck others gameplay and no bonus vs a risk with at least a 10% offset for the trouble…guess which one people will choose.

In one sense, this is actually over to the pvp community to solve on their own.

How they behave, is how others will see whether or not its worth their time to have a 20 camped by some 120 who is doing it to be a jerk, and for no other reason…or whether it makes more sense to turn war mode off permanently and actually be able to do what THEY want for a change.

Maybe the next time someone gets the idea that it will be “fun” to gank and camp someone with no chance of fighting back, said person should think that maybe every time they do that, thats one more player who wont use war mode ever again.

Maybe, just maybe, it might be in your own best interest to not drive the people you want to be part of your community away.

Just because you can pvp someone…doesnt always mean you should.

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Have a sense of integrity about the subject, we all know at least half our guild turned on WM today just for a 400 ilvl piece before raid, and then turned it off.

Literally only myself and 2 others in my whole raid group typically play with it on for anything besides the weekly, and even then I sometimes do have to turn it off to farm herbs with any sort of efficiency.

I’ve yet to meet more than a handful of Alliance who use warmode for the pvp.


I respectfully disagree.

Take away the 10% and replace it with rewards upon killing players instead and PvEers will walk away from warmode, not PvPers.


Take away the 10% and replace it with rewards upon killing players instead and PvEers will walk away from warmode, not PvPers.

Point conceded, and I admit I had not considered that.

You may very well be right.

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I would go even further and extend it to full week.

I vote yes to this, on the CONDITION we make Tol Dagor a sanctuary zone. That place is a minefield for Alliance :s

Maybe, but the reward was designed to get you to use warmode. Not exploit a quest for free gear.


Sorry, no. I’m not even part of the target demographic for warmode and won’t ever have it on beyond the very first two days of BfA, and there are plenty that aren’t. You shouldn’t punish the people that don’t want to partake in their half-baked and failed experiment with WPvP, and never will regardless of how many bells and whistles they throw in.

Warmode should never have had rewards in the first place and in typical Blizzard fashion they found a way to take a broken system and make it worse.


You can tell who wants the free 400 by looking at who is attacking the op.

The pvp systems in the game are ancient, and it doesn’t help that Blizzard in their typical fashion destroy everything they touch these days. They could have just revamped the system, made the 10% buff to only increase honor gained or something similar. It became a problem the moment it expanded to include exp and pve rewards.

I would agree with this… as I don’t pvp and those within my guild that do… several only do it for the weekly… there are a couple of others though that never turn it off. The weekly is only the icing.

I do think though for Blizzard to make that work they really need to work on some sort of faction balancing within the shards and they need to include groups in that calculation so they aren’t separated.

Just make it so the 400I level quest reward requires warmode to be used. Another player suggested that in another thread.

That’s a terrible idea. Imagine being told you need to be in a raid group to be able to use the pve gear.

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You got it doing pvp, it should only be used for pvp. I’m all for no bonuses at all for warmode, but if there has to be one, why not make it only usable for warmode.
The reason for the buff was to give players the incentive to play in warmode, A lot of alliance toggle on, get the free gear, and toggle off. Why should you get free gear for that.
It’s a way to get players to keep warmode on, which is what this thread is about.

I don’t think anybody’s pretending. I’m fine joining a large group, ganking 25 Hordies at that Tortollan flight path and keeping WM off for the rest of week while enjoying my well-deserved loot as a reward for my excellence in PvP.

Because forcing something on someone always works out well.