Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

That’s the thing though. People already aren’t using war mode right now. They just get the reward and turn it right back off. ’


People get gear from raids and they leave…does that mean as soon as they leave the raid they lose the gear?



Better than Turn War mode on -> kill players while in a group for 10 minutes -> turn war mode off for the rest of the week.

At least you will have to give up playing that toon for 3-4 days if you just refuse to participate in war mode outside of free 400 loot.

At least you will have to give up playing that toon for 3-4 days if you just refuse to participate in war mode outside of free 400 loot.



Just no.

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Lets just be 100% honest with each other. There is no compromise that a majority of the playerbase would be happy with.

Or you know stay in a city and do instanced stuff.

If your cookie bait sucks people wont walk in the bear trap to begin with.


There’s two things I find interesting about this topic.

  1. Why do people care whether people leave Warmode off? What fun would it be forcing a bunch of people who have no interest in an activity to engage in that activity anyway just because YOU want to, and how would it be fun to ‘defeat’ such players that typically would not even fight back and just want to quest and will take the rez sickness and log out anyway? What is the point of forcing people to be a no-challenge filler in content they do not enjoy?

  2. Why are there so many more Horde players that enjoy the ganking/griefer style of world PVP? What is it about the faction lore or race lore that attracts people to one side vs. the other in such a blatantly disproportional way?

What is wrong with leaving PVP to the Battle Grounds and other content specifically designed for PVP, where all the players there actually want to be there?

Blizzard would not have gone out of their way to try and create these incentives for Alliance to do Warmode if there weren’t so many Horde players wanting to engage in that type of content.

I guess my real question would be what is the joy or sense of accomplishment in going around ganking people that really just want to do quests and explore the world?

It seems a lot like having a ‘hunt’ where you put the animal in a cage before you shoot it in the face. Doesn’t seem like a very sportsmanlike activity especially when like I said there are tons of arenas and battlegrounds filled with SKILLED PVP where the opponents actually WANT to be there.

Or is it perhaps that this type of activity attracts players who do not have the skill to participate in that sort of balanced PVP and instead want to derive a sense of satisfaction by basically going around screwing up other people’s day?

I really do not see the appeal of Warmode at all.

Things like Halaa were OK since they were scripted and confined to a certain region, but everywhere always on open world PVP basically just equates to quest and crafter ganking and griefing in my book.

Literally, what is the attraction?


Is gear gained in pvp disabled when you arent flagged? No.

Are mounts gained in pvp lost when you arent flagged? No.

Do you have to be in a raid to use gear from said raid? No.

Do you have to be in a raid to use mounts you get from said raid? No.

So, given all of the above, OP, why should this be any different?

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Forced always goes well.


I guess my real question would be what is the joy or sense of accomplishment in going around ganking people that really just want to do quests and explore the world?

Because its all about what they want and never about what others want.

Pvpers dont like it when they cant attack others for their own lulz.

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Make that a whole month. I feel that would be more fair.

Seeing as my warmode stays on anyways.

Because the whole point of the Blizzard incentives for Alliance was to incentivise Alliance into doing War Mode.

Alliance was angry because Horde were basically getting free 10% bonuses, so they offered 30% + heroic ilvl loot every week for alliance if they got into war mode.

The problem is, though, that Alliance are still not participating in War Mode. Horde still dominate War Mode for the most part because Alliance only do war mode to get their free reward then turn it off. It completely defeats the whole purpose of the incentives.


Yet you entirely missed the purpose behind the design of the reward.

The problem is, though, that Alliance are still not participating in War Mode. Horde still dominate War Mode for the most part because Alliance only do war mode to get their free reward then turn it off. It completely defeats the whole point of the incentives.

Because player choice is , after all, a bad thing.

I think it should work like my mythic chest, I get my WM bonus item next week if I do at least 25 kills and stay in WM until reset. If I turn off WM, I should have to turn it back on and re-farm 25 kills before reset.

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Honestly, Warmode in it of itself needs to be redesigned. The 10%, and subsequently 30% bonus is counter intuitive to what Warmode exists for. It promotes use of a mode designed for PvP to be instead used to benefit PvE.

I have said it elsewhere before but I will say it again. Warmode should not give a flat bonus of any kind and instead should reward killing players in PvP combat. Things like giving good EXP for player kills (when not max level), loot bags, ect. The focus needs to be on PvP in the game mode literally designed for PvP instead of this blanketed buff that Warmode currently gives.


Where is the evidence to prove this point?

I’m gonna laugh my a** of if world first goes to alliance on this raid and the top guilds blame it on being spoon fed. Then of course most of the non-sponsored guilds would probably leave the game, and Warcraft would finally die, but hay no big loss there for stupid decisions.

Yeah no. I’ve played Alliance on Mal’ganis (pvp server, like 90% horde) I’ve played on Sargeras, Tichondrius, I did A LOT of wpvp on my pve server of Whisperwind. I only defended stuff, though.

I keep WM the hell OFF. Getting camped at a spawn point is so much fun, you know? Dying the instant you cross into an unsafe zone, such a blast. No thank you. I like pvp but not when I want to just chill and quest.


Byucknah, honest question for you here.

If they did this, hypothetically, what do you think would happen to the war mode participation rates?

I mean, I have my own guess, but Im curious to ask what your projection might be.