Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

Every fix that Blizz has tried to implement to fix the war mode issue has been a disaster.

I don’t even know why I play this game anymore with these devs.

No mine makes perfect sense, but i’ll bite.

Want 100% chance at that mythic-only mount? Then you have to do the content while it’s current. That’s the cost of getting it as a 100% drop rate.

Want 100% chance at that free 400illv loot? Then you should have to leave war mode on. That’s the cost of choosing to accept Blizzard’s bargain to get more Alliance to participate in War Mode.


I leave mine on. Don’t speak for me.

I said most don’t, and I’m sure you can even admit to that. If you leave it on then I definitely respect that and this post is not meant for you. You would not be affected at all by this.

Want 100% chance at that mythic-only mount? Then you have to do the content while it’s current.

Yep and after its done you leave the raid. You dont have to be in a raid to use it afterward.

For the same reason this

Want 100% chance at that free 400illv loot? Then you should have to leave war mode on

Is utter rubbish.

The bottom line is you want to force people into war mode. A flat no.


Fine then. Change the quest to where you have to kill 25 players AND leave war mode on, say, 4 full days without turning off. If you decide to turn it off then you can at any time, but if you do then you forfeit the 400ilvl loot for the week.

Fair? Then nobody would be forcing you to leave it on.

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I don’t even turn it on to do the quest, so… (shrug?) If you play alliance, then YOU go turn it on and play that way. Or is this just a case of everyone else should do something you’re not doing either?

I do keep it on unless the zone is just completely overrun, then I might admittedly turn it off just to get done, but for the most part War Mode is on almost all the time.

Forcing them to keep war mode on for the entire week if they complete that quest is a good way to ensure that even fewer Alliance do that quest.

I understand something needs to be changed but this isn’t the solution.

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Change the quest to where you have to kill 25 players AND leave war mode on, say, 4 full days without turning off.

A guaranteed way to see people dont use war mode.

but if you do then you forfeit the 400ilvl loot for the week.

Yeah, no. Will never happen.

What about my suggestion a little bit above? I even edited the OP because I thought it might be a good compromise.

Maybe. It’s better than keeping it on the whole week.

The thing is I don’t trust Blizz at this point to fix the issue without going way overboard and bringing things back to the 10:1 H:A raitio war mode was at before.

Is that worth it though? Would the average player do that?

The risk and wasted time/energy exceeds the reward. And if one has a regular raids group its definently not worth it.

And if you have to be marked for 4 days. Why bother leaving a city to gain nothing. Just que and do indtanced content for 4 days.

Conclusion? 4 days is too long. Maybe a few hrs at best. People on avrrage are not big pvpers. If thr average person loved pvp or demed it efficient. Wm bonuses and the carrot quest wouldn’t exist.

That’s the thing though. People already aren’t using war mode right now. They just get the reward and turn it right back off. ’

See? I gave you a solution that incentivises alliance to participate in war mode for free heroic loot without the requirement to keep it on after getting the reward that you were complaining about earlier, and yet you still complain and say no. You basically just admit you just want to have your cake and to eat it too.

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Man. This warmode incentive sure is complicated

Blizzard making something way more complicated than it needs to be.

Welcome to BfA everyone.

What about my suggestion a little bit above? I even edited the OP because I thought it might be a good compromise.

I repeat

To this day, there has not been one piece of gear ever created or in this game that has been use dependent on whether or not a person is pvp flagged.

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Turn Warmode on, finish quest, get gear, LOG OFF. Play alt for 2 days. Log back in. Turn Warmode off. Profit?

Man, this sounds like a good time to level an alliance alt.