Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

If it isnt bacon , cheese and pineapple Ill turn you into a …female blood elf.

You know what would really make it fair? If the Horde weren’t forced to keep War Mode on and flipped the tables on the 30% buff and quest… then they could do the same thing!

Oh wait…


GASP how DARE you accuse me of such slander!!!

I never turned it on to begin with! Harrumph!

Make the reward a chest. If you keep warmode on and kill 25 horde then you get the reward.

It’s so blatantly obvious that warmode balance isn’t 70-30 yet Alliance still get it anyways and manipulate the system.

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As I don’t concern myself with raiding or how long it takes people to accomplish their goals, I find it hard to care how long it takes others to down Mythic bosses, so if it takes random guilds I’ve never heard of months to do it but they still accomplish it then good for them

That is one of my favorite combos

I have a better Idea.

Stop concerning yourself with what other people have or don’t have and just enjoy your own game.


Your odds were so overwhelmed when I used my hearthstone that is set to the Drazaralor dock area (you know still in my capital city) and after loading in I am already met with a “Release Spirit?” prompt because there were literally 8 alliance players hearth camping in the capital city.


Horde could manipulate the system easy enough. Turn it off and leave it off. When the buff and quest flips do the quest then turn it back off.


Forcing people to keep warmode on = pvp server. We got rid of those. Nice try to sneak them back in.

The real fix is to just get rid of pvp. It’s been broken Forever. Only a small minority are passionate about it. Time to declare the patient dead.

In the meantime I’ll continue to enjoy my free and easy grear


All of you are doing it wrong anyway.
You should all be on your Alliance alt, turn Warmode on and keep it on.
Once the balance shifts to where the Horde is the under represented faction in Warmode, shift back to Horde until you lose the bonus. Rinse. Repeat.

If you don’t have an Alliance alt, well, that’s on you.

Or, you could just be like me. Don’t worry about it. Leave it off.
Play both sides, watch the kids go from slinging mud to throwing dirt clods and wonder how long it’ll take for them to realize that they are being used as Blizzard’s pawns in an expansion that was designed to create this madness.

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That’s the thing though. Nobody would be forcing you to keep war mode on.

… But if you want the free weekly heroic ilvl loot, then you will have to keep it on. The entire point of the reward is to entice the underrepresented faction into participating in War Mode.

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Sure and you have to complete the last mythic boss of each tier before the next tier comes out or you have to delete all of your characters…

are we done making irrational requests, cause I can make them as well.


Your example doesn’t even make sense though. The entire point of the reward is to get players to play with war mode on.

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That’s the thing though. Nobody would be forcing you to keep war mode on.

Then you say this

… But if you want the free weekly heroic ilvl loot, then you will have to keep it on

One contradicts the other.

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The entire point of the reward is to get players to play with war mode on.

They choose not to.

Their choice.

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Ah, so you’d have to commit to a full week. Sort of defeats the incentive to try warmode if you have to keep it on all week.

Bottom line is if pvp is going to be viable people who try it need to like it enough to keep it on.

Honestly, there wasn’t enough interest to keep pvp servers viable so they went this opt in/out model that is also not working.

Pvp itself is the issue. There simply isn’t sustainable interest when the factions are not balanced.


I have always played both factions because i want to see the whole story. In past expacs i would have a raid group and be clearing heroic and up raids. The world has always served litte use to me beyond leveling.

I do not enjoy bfas story or the faction conflict as a story in any expac because its redundent. Niether side can win so its just a waste of time. There is always a larger threat to azeroth.

As far as my own light rp for fun all my toons gave both factions the bird and oprrate solo or as a sudo avengers for the defence of azeroth.

I have always loathed pvp so i generally dont use wm. Those few times i do use wm i dont suddenly see more players.

The fact that ally had to be given a larger buff and the carrot quest. Leaves only one logical conclusion. That on average people dont like wpvp and require a larger reward to be bothered.

Overall i dont like bfa. I gave it a solid go. But at this point i have unsubbed. I have given up being a raider in bfa like i would in the past. Just doing things here or there till my time runs out.

Obviously each player has thier own goals and reasons. But as we see wm and sharding system have been a mess on average.

To this day, there has not been one piece of gear ever created or in this game that has been use dependent on whether or not a person is pvp flagged.

Nor will there ever be.


Neither does yours… and the next mythic dungeon rewards more than 400 level gear… so like I said irrational request is irrational.