Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

People who think Alliance should be forced to keep WM on should be forced to play as Alliance.

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so what the difference in wm on and im leveling my 33 shammy in duskwood and i cant even turn in a quest cause 10-20 horde all level 120s are camping us. WM is a option whether you are a 120 farming kills or war resources. IT is fair to say it works both ways ally and horde. the quests for killing horde or ally was put in game by blizzard dont blame us as players for using or abusing the option. it all balances out in the end. we all DIE

Yes, more than 15 minutes. You should get a debuff that makes you keep War Mode on for a day or 2 if you turn in Overwhelming Odds.

do you seriously not understand what I’m saying here or are you just trolling?

Remove World PvP entirely.
Have PvP zones like Winter grasp with big rewards for those who participate. Remove the idiotic 5 minute PvP timer as well :roll_eyes:

Places around the world where there is fighting in a specific zone, but not everywhere else.
War NEVER comes to every single farm and town and citizen no matter how badly some here seem to misunderstand war.

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Yes, more than 15 minutes. You should get a debuff that makes you keep War Mode on for a day or 2 if you turn in Overwhelming Odds.

Thank you for admitting the truth.

You want people forced into pvp.



All im saying is both horde and ally do it. not just ally. this game is already broken anyways. now to save face and bank they keep coming up with new shananagans to make it fun to blizz not us as players

Even as a fellow alliance player I’m embarrassed to read you replies. The whole point of the 400 ilvl loot is to get people into warmode. The loot is a means to the end which is getting people in warmode.


If they’d make it so camp ganking cant happen Id leave Warmode on. But since they cant…or wont…Im not wasting my time with world PvP again. In this particular game anyway. Too many kids with too much time on their hands bored to death with current content for my liking.
Used to see a dozen or more of them camped over the bridge between east and west plaguelands killing every lowbie in the area because they cant go fight real PvPers who might actually beat them.

Not interested in having my game time wasted again.


Lominos: if they turn it off again permanently whats the bet we see pvpers whining in less than a day?

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so true Lominos amen

That is a failure on the part of the game maker…not the game player.
THEY make it so the game isnt fun in World PvP…so what else do they expect players to do but get their gear and go about their business.

Well if things keep going the way it is today, Horde will definitely be getting the Call to Arms 30% buff and Against Overwhelming Odds weekly next week.

It looks like Horde players are literally boycotting Warmode right now in protest to the Heroic Raid level gear from Against Overwhelming Odds.

Good job, Blizzard. I didn’t think Warmode faction balance could have gotten any worse than it was, but the devs managed to get most Horde players to rage quit Warmode from the looks of things.


What a great idea. I should hurry up and ask this for the Q&A

If that does indeed happen, all it really does it prove how broken and messed up the system was to begin with.

Probably won’t need top lol

Has anyone ever told you that life isn’t fair?

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A complaint. Without honor.

Here’s my plan.
EVERYBODY! Turn off Warmode.
Force them to come up with a better way to reward players than pitting one another in a “But Mom!” fight.

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Rich words, if it was horde. I’m sure alliance would be on here with horde bias crap.
But it’s whatever I’m over it, I was salty but to be honest it’ll still take yall months to complete a mythic dazar’alor run

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RIP 95% of player base if that happened.

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You know I have considered doing it… I sitll dont care to turn on Warmode but its tempting. but I really haven’t cared to since I am doing heroic raid this week… don’t feel like i need to do Warmode for 15 mins to get a single 400 gear. That 15 mins gives me time to cook a Frozen pizza before raid time.

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