Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

Yeah…I moved off a PvP server for a reason.
I came back to that server once Warmode was live.
Want to see me shut down 3 WoW accounts REAL fast?
Tell me I have no choice but to keep Warmode on and lets see if I can beat any world records for account closing speed.


What?? Where did I ever say I want the reward to vanish when they turn it off? Please show me where I said that.

I said they should have to keep it on for a duration if they accept the reward, not lose it if they turn it off.

I’m just saying Blizzard should fix the broken system by making the free War Mode loot require War Mode for more than 10 minutes.

Your words.

I’m just saying that if you take the Heroic-lvl reward that Blizzard offers to turn War Mode on, then you should be forced to keep War Mode on.

You do have a choice though… that’s the point of my post. If you choose to get the 400 ilvl loot for PVPing, then you should be choosing to stay in War Mode for a certain duration.

Some people actually enjoy the aspect of WPVP. The game in it’s current state is very predictable and boring to be honest. Having something to spice things up when you’re out in the world is actually refreshing, even if it slows you down in the long run.

You do have a choice though… that’s the point of my post. If you choose to get the 400 ilvl loot for PVPing, then you should be choosing to stay in War Mode for a certain duration.

Which is what…you said more than 10 minutes, fine. The quest takes 15 minutes to finish. That long enough for you?


You do have a choice though… that’s the point of my post. If you choose to get the 400 ilvl loot for PVPing, then you should be choosing to stay in War Mode for a certain duration.

Who is the player harming by wearing something they got with warmode then turning it off? Apparently no one since WM would be off.


Okay and, ONCE AGAIN, where did I say you should lose loot for turning War Mode off? I said you should have to keep War Mode on to get the rewards. You can still raid and do M+ with your loot, but you’re running to that summoning stone with war mode on.

I said you should have to keep War Mode on to keep the rewards

So I was right and you want them to lose the reward the moment they turn war mode off.

In effect force people to keep war mode on permanently.


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And that duration is? And people can just log for it or go to a city with a million npc and stay in the air tab out and watch snu snu tv till the timer is gone.

It wouldn’t get anyone more engaged in an activity they hate.

Friend…no offense but ya sound like ya got a bad case of the “crying over what other players got” syndrome.
Play YOUR game. Worry bout that and you wont have time to worry about what gear other players have.


I actually agree concerning this. If you complete the quest, then it forces WM on for 4 days at a minimum.

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sigh… I meant “get” and I even edited my post. You know exactly what I mean, stop playing dumb and/or read the rest of my post.

Do that and watch as we go back to where we were at the start of BFA.


That all seems like personal opinions. I see that you have double agent as well…

Warmode adds atmosphere. It also is part of the story since we are all a war. Not everyone plays for just gear, but it seems you do. Which is fine, that your prerogative.

Or, and I’m just throwing this out here, remove War Mode entirely, including gear, as putting incentives on the dumbest aspect of PvP to get players to take part is doubly stupid.


Friend… Look at my armory and see that I got what other players got. I’m not crying over the loot. I’m just saying that you should not be able to have your cake and eat it too.

That works for some sure. But as wm and bfa have shown. People are only using wm in mass if the reward is there.

Conclusion? Most players dont enjoy wpvp.


You mean this?

You can still raid and do M+ with your loot, but you’re running to that summoning stone with war mode on.

Thats more than 15 minutes.



Then remove the ilvl 400 reward. It’s a stupid cheap advantage. At the bare minimum they should’ve waited 1-2 months before upgrading the ilvl of the loot.

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