Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

Easy there champ, you’ll give Daddy Blizz ideas.


No, I have it on and I don’t get anything for it.

It makes the game more exciting though. I can’t play with it off anymore lol.

Edit: ACTUALLY I do get 355 gear as a reward, but that goes straight in the scrapper/trash since I’m ilvl 377… Oh, and there’s conquest I guess.

I keep it on 99% of the time. The only time I turn it off is when i’m trying to complete a WQ and Horde is literally sitting on the location and the only way is through. I won’t claim to be a masochist when I say that I don’t enjoy going 1v20 with a Horde pack.

I keep it on because I enjoy 1v1 encounters with the opposite faction.

You know, I actually agree with this. It would make it so people would have to do Warmode to get the quest reward.

But! They could do it and log off or complete it on the last day before reset. So it can be circumvented.

This. If you think forcing someone to do anything will fix it, I have bad news.



Or…and now hear me out on this one. They don’t tie any rewards or buffs to WPvP because WPvP has always been hot garbage.


actually there are more people playing horde than alliance, play with a horde toon WM on or WM off and you will find enough people to make world quests but as a alliance the only way to do such WQs are taking off WM

the core problem is not the WM the core problem is the population, blizzard is hopping more people come to alliance this way

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If they want to fix WarMode they just need to put the 10% increase on rep and WQ gear and then everyone would have a good reason to keep it on.

Thats you. I have only ever used wm for leveling and on average thats the majority.

Ally got a bigger buff and the carrot quest because they on average didn’t like wpvp.

If horde hadn’t whined they wouldn’t be in thier own hole.

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, but one of the main reasons this is such a problem outside of incursion areas is because most Alliance just turns war mode right back off after getting those rewards.

Do an assault with war mode on and you will see Alliance all over the place, but the minute you go to do other world quests with war mode on there isn’t another Alliance in sight.

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Sure, as long as they fix the issue with lag on some servers while in war mode (huge post about it on the tech support forums).

No, again.

If Alliance weren’t cowards and actually played wpvp before they got their hand out we wouldn’t be in this mess.

But they are so they need a carrot.

Don’t blame the Horde.

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Actually I don’t. I have 5 max level alliance toons(DH/enhance/paladin/druid/rogue). Of those 5, rogue/druid/paladin have it on 24/7. Those are also the toons I play the most frequently.

Well I did say most not all lol. But even you have to admit you and I are in the minority for this one. Most Alliance do, in fact, turn it right back off.

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, but one of the main reasons this is such a problem outside of incursion areas is because everyone just turns war mode right back off after getting those rewards.

So, to sum up, you are complaining because people use war mode as it was designed to do, turn it on, complete a specific quest, turn it off again, and you arent happy because people dont leave it on all the time, you also want said reward to vanish when they turn war mode off…in effect you want people to be forced into war mode permanently or lose said reward.



The OP is completely right. No idea why the devs thought the current design was a good idea.

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Did pvp gear used to be like this in the WotLK days, maybe even upto MoP, i.e. stats or abilities that greyed out if you weren’t flagged? I may be misremembering.



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Wpvp is utterly unrewarding it always has been. There is no reason to spend any energy on it. Anything we gain from the world is minimal at best.

We gain far more from instanced content. Has nothing to do with emotional bs. Its about efficient use of time and rewards.

Logical people aren’t going to bother with anything if the reward is too low.

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