Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On


The issue is WM imbalance, not this made up story of babying the Alliance.

Maybe try coming up with solutions instead of picking up the torches and pitchforks. In multiple threads. Every. Single. Day.


Lol no, my problem is we don’t get free gear. I don’t care about the wpvp. It’s kinda unfair you get 30% bonus and free gear.


But thats exactly why people bother at all. The carrot. If you where forced to stay in stupid mode longer then needed the carrot would just become worthless faster.

Blizzard and you are being foolish to think people generally enjoy wpvp all the time.

If there is no reward for an act then it wont be done by the majority.

Bfa is a failure, wpvp. Sharding, wm, and more all failed.


That’s the entire point of my post though… Most alliance are only turning it on for 5-10 minutes then turning it right back off.

I’m just saying that if you take the Heroic-lvl reward that Blizzard offers to turn War Mode on, then you should be forced to keep War Mode on. Look at my cloak dude, I say all this as someone who has already taken advantage of the free 400 loot.

Omg so your saying giving you 30% bonus to leveling and wq. Also on top of that giving basically free 400 ilvl gear isn’t spoonfeeding?


That’s the entire point of my post though… Most alliance are only turning it on for 5-10 minutes then turning it right back off.


I say all this as someone who has already taken advantage of the free 400 loot.

Good for you.

Tell me, how would you feel if you went into a raid , your war mode turned off and all of a sudden that cloak was useless?

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Omg so your saying giving you 30% bonus to leveling and wq. Also on top of that giving basically free 400 ilvl gear isn’t spoonfeeding?


If all alliance didnt get the buff and turned war mode off…youd still complain.


They should, but I’m sure they’re wary it might scare Alliance away from WM again.

Warmode stays on in raids, only traits go away

Not when you have to fight against overwhelming odds :^)

Then get your friends to turn off Warmode. Hand out flyers in Orgrimmar. Beat a tambourine in Dazar. Give peace a chance.

Actually, now I’m amused at the prospect that the war will finally end, not because one faction won, but because the salt around warmode grew so concentrated that we all declared a cease-fire and went PvE.


Warmode stays on in raids, only traits go away

No, it doesnt.

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OP actually has a damn good point. The Overwhelming Odds quest is designed to encourage more engagement with War Mode, not less, and it will only trigger for the faction that, after a week of evaluation, has less war mode participation than its rival faction.

Players turning war mode on only briefly to obtain the quest reward, and then spend the rest of the week leaving it off, basically get to have their cake and eat it too; they get the immediate gratification of the ilevel reward and their absence from war mode for the week guarantees that their faction will be the one to benefit from the quest again the next week.

I’m an alliance player that leaves war mode on permanently. I heartily encourage as many others to do so as possible.


Why are you mad at the Alliance for Blizzard designing a broken system?


Well when I leveled up i was against overwhelming odds lol. I’d run into alliance all the time, not. Really any horde so…

Alliance needs to pay 20 percent more for a sub to make it fair. Or every time they die they lose 100 gold.

It was implemented as a carrot for whichever faction was lower in WM. NOT specifically for Alliance. The fact that people don’t understand this is astounding.

Blizz didn’t sit around and say, “aw, poor little Alliance, how can we help?” They said, “our Warmode is imbalanced, what if we gave the lower side a bonus to turn it on and base it weekly off of the activity numbers?”

But sure, keep Alliance bashing and thinking it’s solely about us.


Mite? Mate be real. If the reward for wm isnt there people wont bother with it. Regardless of faction.


I never said I was mad at players for it. I don’t blame them for doing it since they can. I’m just saying Blizzard should fix the broken system by making the free War Mode loot require War Mode for more than 10 minutes.

Lets see here:

Alliance wont turn war mode on: pvpers whine we have no one to gank.

Alliance does turn war mode on: pvpers whine we are being ganked.

Alliance gets a bonus to add participation since they are outnumbered and being ganked and turn war mode off: pvpers whine.

Alliance turns on war mode for gear thus pvp and still they whine.
