Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

Well nobody says you have to do warmode. The devs are the ones who chose to give out the 400 gear for participating, so in order to use them you should have to be in warmode. How is it fair otherwise? Alliance toggle on, get the gear, and toggle off.

The problem with such an approach is that it doesn’t incentivize players to want to PvP. In theory, I agree this would be a better approach but I think in practice it overlooks the PvP situation we’ve been handed here.

We’re stuck with a transition from pvp servers dominated primarily by one faction — the Horde — and it’s been carried over into Warmode. At the beginning of the expansion, those players naturally migrated over to Warmode and just like what happened with PvP servers, Alliance players were overwhelmed. It’s the same thing that happened with persistent PvP servers, players naturally migrated over to servers until they became one-faction dominated. Warmode essentially became a Horde playground, much like PvP servers did previously.

Now, I agree that it would be terrific to make more of the open world content, PvP-specific. WQs tailored to PvP goals would seem a no-brainer for Warmode. I think that should be the long-term approach. However, the danger if you don’t incentivize the smaller faction population to enter Warmode with some system-wide mechanic, the dominate faction would just continue to reap the benefits of Warmode with PvP-specific content (the Alliance that did enter would just be cannon fodder with the Horde in Warmode pulling further ahead in whatever rewards such content offered).

In large scale systems such as WoW, it doesn’t take much of a tipping point in rewards to one faction to see such an imbalance, attracting more players to the dominant side. If players simply believe that one faction is better at PvP or wins more than the other side, over time they’ll migrate to that faction. If there isn’t some sort of incentive mechanism to counter-balance this feedback loop, Warmode will continue to be Horde dominated. Is the current incentive system the correct one? Probably not. But with no incentive, nothing will change.

Except war mode is optional. If you want warmode rewards you should actually do war mode.

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Yes, by all means…because the most intelligent thing to do when purposefully offering up a perk to counter a problem issue is to pair it with a penalty that has serious negative impacts. (IE: Not being able to disable war mode as a raider and having raids constantly delayed due to deaths at an instance entrance).

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if people are functioning adults with an understanding of cause and effect and just generally how things work in the world.

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Was going to suggest something similar a day or so ago. Either way, I am not wpvping. Good idea, though.

See, that’s where it all falls apart.
No one likes to be forced to do anything.


There shouldn’t have been rewards for warmode in the first place.

Its only gonna cause no one to have Warmode on. :rofl:

Hey, that’s a great idea!

Someone get Blizzard in here, I’m ready to fly!

they could choose not to be forced to by not doing the quest, quite simple

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I don’t and many like me will continue not flagging. I have like 8 toons I’m leveling a bit one at a time. All alliance. Have a couple Horde but Sylvanas keeps me away from them.

8 toons. All alliance. No warmode on any of them nor any 400 gear. Figure it out.

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Keeping Warmode on would be a PVP server.

That was the problem, which is why “Warmode” exists.

“Warmode” is being able to turn it OFF.

How am I not demonstrating integrity about the subject? You seem to operate under the impression that because I’m asking for a fact-based argument rather than emotional, faith-based arguments that I’m in someway being disingenuous.

These are all anecdotes, and provide little to no insight on the subject as a whole. Just because you observe something occur doesn’t mean for all other circumstances that’s true. I can easily make the claim that all of the people I’ve grouped with to complete “Overwhelming Odds” and the Incursion events have all left warmode on and that nominal claim would be just as good as yours, useless, because it’s not supported by evidence.

The biggest problem with the Horde making these threads is that they’re emotionally charged arguments that speak nothing to facts, so they’re just not helpful.

Which is fine and your prerogative, but opting out of Warmode should also mean opting out of all of its rewards, including the weekly 400 item.

If the problem was lack of Alliance participation in WM, a reward that only has them turning on WM for all of 10 minutes and then opting back out for the rest of the week kind of seems like it defeats the purpose. It also undermines the reward’s supposed ability to change hands weekly. Blizzard needs to: 1) change the reward 2) change how the reward is earned or 3) remove all rewards and bonuses from WM, since it shouldn’t have had them to begin with.

At any rate, their current method of “fixing” the “imbalance” was clearly very poorly thought out.


I’m 100% okay with OP’s idea. We started with a slight imbalance, but the reason it turned into a snowball was that people could just leave when they got inconvenienced. IMO the quest shouldn’t even be available until you’ve had it on for a while.

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No alliance play warmode! Alliance only play warmode for the shiney!
Now if only a few horde would swap over to alliance and show us how ti’s done than the other horde could be happy…

maybe, maybe not, I play on an RP server and I have some characters in WM all the time.

I actually enjoy world pvp, the risk of being ganked, choosing when to/not to help out the opposing faction on a rare spawn, etc… I generally don’t stay in gank fests for long.

That said, I am just wondering would alliance be responding any differently to the quest if the horde had the exact same quest? If anything it would give both factions reason to group up and pvp if that is the intent, right now they basically just changed it (based on the counter complaints I read) for the pendulum to swing the exact opposite way. Heck if anything they have now incentivized the horde to turn it off (seems like a stupid intent, though maybe that was also the intent)

Honestly it seems like a way to try and encourage a few top guilds to faction change, going for a bit of a cash grab, if that is the intent fine I guess, just doesn’t seem like a great decision to me.

Perhaps the benefits should activate based on how many players were killed on each side, rather than how many people turned WM on.

That might have a better chance of each faction taking sides to slaughter each other.

Hilarious thread only kept alive by Horde sympathizers with their likes.

I love how you want to obliterate player choice for all players on a faction for a mistake which was implemented by the DEV.