Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

I don’t want to obliterate player choice at all. You will still be able to choose to opt out of War Mode whenever you want… But if you do then you won’t get the shiny 400ilvl loot that is supposed to be an incentive to play with War Mode on in the first place.

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How about limiting the amount of times you turn on Warmode? That should make the Alliance players think hard before turning it on.

Let’s say…“turning on Warmode will transform you into a soldier on the battlefield for a minimum 2 to 3 days”.

Yeah… I like having the freedom of choice. Often I will have it off while doing wq’s I just want done and will turn it on when I actually want to fight people.

Removing my ability to choose will just force me to drop Warmode entirely.

I stopped playing on pvp servers for a reason lol.

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I’m not saying remove the ability to choose. You can still turn it on/off at will, but if you want to also get the 400ilvl + 1k azerite incentive, then you should have to keep it on.

Blizzard’s solution will likely only result in groups of Alliance running around ganking or camping flight points in order to finish the quest. Once they get the item they will probably just turn WM off. There is no further incentive to keep WM on, whatever reward they give needs to make players want to keep WM on, or require them to do so. Ultimately, I think the faction imbalance will always create issues with world PvP.

I actually like the idea, or you need to be warmode in contested periods for X hours throughout the week.

Also love the people saying it removes choice, also likely the same people telling horde the gear means nothing or isn’t that big of a deal.

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Is everyone on some sort of drug?

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Mate, looking sat GD and some of the people here, I often wonder if any of them learned what common sense is.

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Why stop there if you go into a BG you should have to stay there for 3-4 days, or wait don’t forget Arenas…oh and dungeons we shouldn’t be allowed to leave dungeons for 24 hours…

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You have a ring that came from Waycrest Manor. You can now only use the ring when inside the Manor.

You have charhound, now it only works when you are inside the raid.

Your mythic gear no longer works because you arent inside the instance.


Any time you FORCE players you get negative results.

Your argument still makes absolutely no sense to the topic at hand no matter how much you say it. I have explained this to you numerous times and yet you still seem to not understand, so I’m not wasting my breath anymore. You’re either trolling or actually incapable of grasping what I and many others are saying.

Either way, I’m done trying to explain it to you, good day.

Remove it all. All the XP/World Quest bonuses. All the gear quests for PvP. All of it. If you want to PvP, you enable War Mode. Simple.

No more carrots on a stick to try to get people into War Mode for the wrong reason. Got a problem with that? Then you’re one of the people using Warmode for the wrong reason.


They didn’t. The devs know damn well that any design that involves WPVP in any way is a terrible idea that’s going to be, at best, a zergfest. Serious PVP has been instanced for years because balance has to start with equal numbers of players on each team.

But they don’t want to say that out loud because some players are emotionally attached to the idea that WPVP was great when they were 10, ignoring the fact that it was because they were 10 that they enjoyed objectively terrible design, and not because of anything about the gameplay.

WPVP was never good or balanced, and will never be good or balanced. Blizzard can’t change that. They should stop trying.

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It is a perfect corollary to what you have said.

One is the other.


As an alliance member I wouldn’t be against this. I keep mine on anyway. It is nice that now at least there are moments alliance out numbers horde on a shard to make up for most of the time I’m trying to avoid all the horde ganks the rest of the week.

No, this system is new to BfA.

In short, you’re trying to ask for players to spend HALF their game week FORCED to stay in Warmode for a Single Piece of Gear.

No. FORCING players is NEVER a good idea.


Just bring back pvp realms.

I did it today on my ally alt. And I hate pvp. I felt guilty aftwardd, however. Like shooting fish in a barrel a whole buttload of alliance had taken over a horde FP near an azerite WQ. It was kinda sad.

I feel so dirty.

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